‘My Fellow Liberals, I’m Tired Of You’

‘My Fellow Liberals, I’m Tired Of You’

I’m a secular/agnostic Californian and longtime reader of your blog. I’ve enjoyed your books beginning with Crunchy Cons, and have valued your insights over the years.

Though you don’t know me, I feel like I know you and your family. And I want to share with you, from the liberal bastion of Northern California, that I am officially tired of the type of people who have surrounded me my entire life. In the wake of Trump’s election, I am experiencing “tribe fatigue.” I’m not tired of The Other, Detestable Tribe. I’m tired of my own.

A bit about me: I am a [deleted] with two young children. My parents were non-religious Democrats, and my ex-Catholic mom loathes organized religion to this day.

So I was raised a secular liberal. My college professors were secular liberals. During my journalism phase, my newspaper colleagues were secular liberals. My law school professors and peers were – in the vast majority – secular liberals. Almost everyone at my corporate law firm was a secular liberal. My California neighbors and friends are secular liberals, as are my colleagues. My mother, siblings, and their spouses are all secular liberals.

By all rights, I should be a member in good standing of their tribe, “liking” their Facebook posts and joining their candlelight vigils against the evil Trump Administration. But November 8 and its aftermath revealed to me that I am just so tired of these people. I can’t be like them, and I don’t want my kids turning into them.........


Once again, Progressives aren't Liberal.
Do you think this person was drawn to the Christian Right by the shining example of Trump?

6 Interesting Facts About Donald Trump's Christian Faith

He declared: "I will be the greatest representative of the Christians they've had in a long time."

He says he's Presbyterian.

He says he's pro-life.

Asked by Bill O'Reilly if there was a Muslim problem, Trump answered yes.

He called the Bible "The Book, it is the thing."

He praised evangelical leaders Tony Perkins and Ralph Reed.


If I say I'm Presbyterian, claim to be pro-life (after switching to the GOP), agree there is a Muslim problem, call the Bible a good thing, and lie a lot, can I join too?

Trump lied.. He claimed church membership and they responded that he had NEVER attended services.
are you asking.

"The United States Capitol cornerstone laying was the ceremonial placement of the cornerstone of the United States Capitol on September 18, 1793. The cornerstone was laid by president of the United States George Washington, assisted by the Grand Master of Maryland Joseph Clark, in a Masonic ritual."
"Many of the items of ritual paraphernalia used in the cornerstone ceremony have been repurposed and are currently used for the placement of foundation stones at other important buildings in the greater Washington area. Centennial and bicentennial observances of the U.S. Capitol cornerstone laying were held in 1893 and 1993, respectively, and a tricentennial observance of the ritual has been announced for 2093."

"At 10:00 a.m. on September 18, President of the United States George Washington and his entourage crossed the Potomac River to arrive in the city of Washington. There, they were joined by an escort consisting of the Alexandria Volunteer Artillery, and members of Masonic lodges from Virginia and Maryland, and proceeded to the construction grounds approximately 1.5 miles (2.4 km) away.[3] At the site of the Capitol, Washington was received by Joseph Clark, the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Maryland. A silver plaque, fashioned by Georgetown silversmith Caleb Bentley, was handed to Washington, who stepped into the foundation trench and placed the plaque, whereupon the cornerstone was lowered. The plaque was inscribed with a brief tribute to the "military valor and prudence" of Washington, and dedicated the building in the "first year, of the second term, of the presidency of George Washington ... and in the year of Masonry 5,793."[1]"

"Washington, accompanied by three Worshipful Masters carrying sacrifices of corn, wine, and oil, then struck the stone three times with a gavel, as prescribed by Masonic custom. Washington exited the trench to ritual chanting by the assembled Masons and a 15-gun salute (one gun for each U.S. state) from the Alexandria Volunteer Artillery. Clark then delivered a short invocation, after which a 500 pounds (230 kg) ox was slaughtered and roasted.[1]"
Do you think this person was drawn to the Christian Right by the shining example of Trump?

6 Interesting Facts About Donald Trump's Christian Faith

He declared: "I will be the greatest representative of the Christians they've had in a long time."

He says he's Presbyterian.

He says he's pro-life.

Asked by Bill O'Reilly if there was a Muslim problem, Trump answered yes.

He called the Bible "The Book, it is the thing."

He praised evangelical leaders Tony Perkins and Ralph Reed.


If I say I'm Presbyterian, claim to be pro-life (after switching to the GOP), agree there is a Muslim problem, call the Bible a good thing, and lie a lot, can I join too?

I only know what she is saying; that the Democratic Party of the Jackass is the party for the faithless, the clueless and the ignorant. ;)
The Golden Rule exists in Islam and Judaism as well.

Only no mention of the numerous Christians with Liberal views. I know I'm a Liberal Christian, and one that will stay true no matter how screwed up things get. People should know there is more then right, and left in the world.

Lets see if I can give some insight, since I'm sure I'm going to get some crude judging comments. I'm pretty much pro-life, no death penalty, and abortion is something I only approve with cases of rape, incest, or danger to life. I'd prefer none, but there is the God given right of free will, and I feel destroying it is no better then destroying life. Killing anyone just for stealing, or breaking and entering is messed up, and so are people that cheer it on. For those that want to comment about comparing life, and freedom. Think about how many chose the pursuit of freedom, even at the cost of there own life. Both are sacred, and telling a women she has to carry a baby, after such things is pretty evil. There is no right answer in these cases, so get off there backs.

Think about this. Republicans don't like the government telling them to do anything really. Stuff like limiting soda sizes, taxing certain things, or banning plastic straws, etc, is stepping out of bounds, but telling a rape victim she has to suffer through a pregnancy, and give birth to a rapists child, is not only in bounds, it's a goal for there team.