‘My Fellow Liberals, I’m Tired Of You’

Only no mention of the numerous Christians with Liberal views. I know I'm a Liberal Christian, and one that will stay true no matter how screwed up things get. People should know there is more then right, and left in the world.

Liberal Christian; that's an oxymoron.

Lets see if I can give some insight, since I'm sure I'm going to get some crude judging comments. I'm pretty much pro-life, no death penalty, and abortion is something I only approve with cases of rape, incest, or danger to life. I'd prefer none, but there is the God given right of free will, and I feel destroying it is no better then destroying life.

I cannot see how you can believe these things, yet support the Party of abortion on demand and death. But YOU and I are in agreement 100% here.

Killing anyone just for stealing, or breaking and entering is messed up, and so are people that cheer it on.

THIS is a STRAWMAN argument. No one has ever been put to death in this nation for stealing or breaking and entering. Forget that it is a STRAWMAN, this is a DISHONEST LIE.

For those that want to comment about comparing life, and freedom. Think about how many chose the pursuit of freedom, even at the cost of there own life. Both are sacred, and telling a women she has to carry a baby, after such things is pretty evil. There is no right answer in these cases, so get off there backs.

This makes ZERO sense. Who is telling these women they HAVE to carry a baby conceived through rape, incest or risking their lives? NO ONE!

Think about this. Republicans don't like the government telling them to do anything really.

This is another DISHONEST STRAWMAN claim. Conservatives believe that the Constitution LIMITS the Federal Governments role. It's pretty simple and all one has to do is actually READ the document without having some leftist dumbfuck in a school suggest it means anything else.

Stuff like limiting soda sizes, taxing certain things, or banning plastic straws, etc, is stepping out of bounds, but telling a rape victim she has to suffer through a pregnancy, and give birth to a rapists child, is not only in bounds, it's a goal for there team.

You just can't stop spewing the dishonest strawmen can you snowflake? Grow a brain and learn the difference between "Their" and "There".
