my friend does not know what hiking is

You lied to your friend, hiking is gay
I thought I knew what it was.
Until my wife took me into the Smokey Mts and did some twin peaks bullshit about 1.5 miles nearly straight up. I contemplated jumping at the top. I was more tired than any 5 set tennis match I had ever played.
Repeat, hiking is gay

Man, you're totally out of shape. j/k

Can only partially agree with ya there, bro’. Hiking out East or down South sucks, no doubt. It’s boring, its freaking humid and sweaty, and there’s nothing but a bunch of trees to look at. That blows.

Personally, I hike for exercise. I hate formal exercise, and I’d rather do biking, hiking, and other outdoor crap to burn up some calories. Hiking to the top of a mountain to watch a sunset vista on the ocean beats the shit out of running on some treadmill at a gym. Speaking of gay, is there anything more fruity than a dude in shorts running the treadmill at a gym?

Tennis always seemed kind of gay, what with the dudes running around in tight, white shorts.

ps, j/k around. Nothing wrong with gyms or tennis if you're into it.
nice burn,
I actually like hiking, just not the fact that my wife kinda fly's up dragging my lazzy ass.
what you need to look at in tennis are the hot chicks in skirts,

best place for guy's over 40 in my book
Tennis is gay, ya right look at Sharipova, Ivonavic, Bonderanko