MY Newest Weed Eater!


Oh Care, what beautiful, beautiful pictures! You always make me so homesick. I wonder if I can persuade my husband to give snow another chance.
We have foxes that deal with that kind of infestation.

We used to have foxes to deal with those weedeaters, but now we have coyotes. Not nearly as pretty, but far better at lowering populations of other animals.
We used to have foxes to deal with those weedeaters, but now we have coyotes. Not nearly as pretty, but far better at lowering populations of other animals.
The Coyotes deal with the fox infestation. And the over-breeding of barn cats.
Or a slower bullet as well. I would just as soon they drop dead on someone elses property.

Thats why I like faster bullets. Its easier to shoot longer distances. That way I don't have to carry the coyote's body out to the woods.
The last one I killed was with a 20 ga slug. Lots of trees and such around my place.
Had to dig a hole to bury the sucker in...I prefer them to run off an bleed out down the road a ways.
The last one I killed was with a 20 ga slug. Lots of trees and such around my place.
Had to dig a hole to bury the sucker in...I prefer them to run off an bleed out down the road a ways.

I sold my .223 rifle because the accuracy was crap. Now if I shoot one its with a 7mm mag. Much as I would like it, they won't run off and bleed after that. If I score a body hit that just do a nifty tuck & roll. Best one so far has been at about 300 yards.
I sold my .223 rifle because the accuracy was crap. Now if I shoot one its with a 7mm mag. Much as I would like it, they won't run off and bleed after that. If I score a body hit that just do a nifty tuck & roll. Best one so far has been at about 300 yards.

Darn. Can't see 300 yds in any direction here. I did use my old 8MM Mauser Kraut rifle on a couple last year though.