My night from hell: I'll be in line for Halo 3 at midnight, tonight.

Warren, don't pay attention to darla laughing at your jokes. That just her lame way of SWAYING THINGS when she knows she can't make valid points. She's trying to cloud your mind.
Dumb? GAME? Halo III isn't a "game", its a way of life!

Honestly I have mine preordered so I get mine regardless. No midnight lines for me.
hope its good,
put in an order for the stock this moring.
Cypress is a young man=buy the game
Top is an old man=buy the stock
Bragging rights LadyT, bragging rights.
A very important part of our materialistic society.

Like getting the first Jesus phone.
You know that they will sell some of these tomorrow, and the day after that, and more after that....

There is no need to wait in line.