My night from hell: I'll be in line for Halo 3 at midnight, tonight.

I'm guessing lady t doesn't have kids yet, you don't strike me as that much of a bitch. Supercoldcaller is too self center to have kids, Cypress is prob doing it for a nephew or son of a girlfriend, word up on the sacrifice.
USGED has already told us how he pissed on his kids so no surprise on that line.

How I pissed on my kids ? Ahh such nasty lies you have there Janitor man.
it is just microsoft, I made out nice on it in the nineties, all I'm looking for here is a couple quick %.
A little halo affect from halo3 if you will.
I made out nice in a Mazda during the nineties, myself. I never found Bill Gates all that attractive, myself, but whatever floats your boat.
Has one person on here questioned the possible effect of the violent content of the game on children ?
I'm more concerned with the effect of the violent content of the game on idiot authoritarian parental interest groups. Those crazy f*ckers will sacrifice any liberty, no matter how fundamental, just to make themselves feel a little less insecure.

Soccer Moms are more of a threat to me than Jihadists are. No joke: I'm serious.
I agree Ornot, but I do feel that the violent content of movies, games and MSM have desensitized our youth somewhat to violence.

Although I am truely amazed at how some parents raise hell at Janets Jacksons nipple, but allow their 8 year olds to watch Freddy Kruger type stuff.
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I agree Ornot, but I do feel that the violent content of movies, games and MSM have desensitized our youth somewhat to violence.

Although I am truely amazed at how some parents raise hell at Janets Jacksons nipple, but allow their 8 year olds to watch Freddy Kruger type stuff.
I'm not sure, one way or the other, about the harmful effects of violent entertainment. I'm inclined to think that such things are more effect than cause. I can't prove it though. :)

I think you and I both see, though, that over-reaction to a problem can be worse than the problem itself. Maybe violent video games really are harmful to children; I certainly won't deny the possibility. Strict regulation of speech is far worse, however, no matter what.
Yeah pretty much were I am at as well.
I probably lean just a bit more than you towards the violent content negatively impacting our children. But could very well be wrong.
I think it is pretty much impossible to prove one way or the other.
Any of my stuff here not directly on issue's is designed to make someone laugh.
Dano how old are your kids, mine are in college of course I'd laugh now if they wanted me to.
If they were pre-teens dying to be first to have the game I'd consider it.
He'll I drove them 1,000 miles to jr high wrestling tournaments.
Any of my stuff here not directly on issue's is designed to make someone laugh.
Dano how old are your kids, mine are in college of course I'd laugh now if they wanted me to.
If they were pre-teens dying to be first to have the game I'd consider it.
He'll I drove them 1,000 miles to jr high wrestling tournaments.

Too poor to fly huh?
Damo: On principle, I don't wait in line for kids either. But, even in far-out, whacky california we believe in family values and have this weird thing called curfews, where teenage boys can't be out in public without parental supervision on a weeknight after 10pm. Halo is a phenomena I don't think you understand. Its nearly the equivalent of camping out for Star Wars movie tickets. An indulgence I'm willing to accept for a nice young boy. Frankly, evertime I feel like turning into a grumpy old man, I just remember all the cool things adults did for me when I was a teenage boy. Like my friends Dad who drove us 60 miles to an AC/DC concert on a freezing Maryland night, and waited for us in the freezing parking lot for two hours to take us home. :clink:

USC: I'm not that worried about Halo violence. Its pretty cartoonish, and not much worse than what I saw on Roadrunner cartoons as a kid myself. And, I think its pretty funny when social conservatives condemn video game violence, but then turn around and cheer at a John McCain rally, when he sings "Bomb, bomb, bomb...bomb, bomb Iran" set to the melody of the beach boys Barbara Ann song. ;)
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Damo: On principle, I don't wait in line for kids either. But, even in far-out, whacky california we believe in family values and have this weird thing called curfews, where teenage boys can't be out in public without parental supervision on a weeknight after 10pm. Halo is a phenomena I don't think you understand. Its nearly the equivalent of camping out for Star Wars movie tickets. An indulgence I'm willing to accept for a nice young boy. Frankly, evertime I feel like turning into a grumpy old man, I just remember all the cool things adults did for me when I was a teenage boy. Like my friends Dad who drove us 60 miles to an AC/DC concert on a freezing Maryland night, and waited for us in the freezing parking lot for two hours to take us home. :clink:

USC: I'm not that worried about Halo violence. Its pretty cartoonish, and not much worse than what I saw on Roadrunner cartoons as a kid myself. And, I think its pretty funny when social conservatives condemn video game violence, but then turn around and cheer at a John McCain rally, when he sings "Bomb, bomb, bomb...bomb, bomb Iran" set to the melody of the beach boys Barbara Ann song. ;)

Oh, you are the greatest...
I was too poor to fly back then.
Half the times I go to Iowa now I still drive 2,200 mile for less than 20 minutes of watching him wrestle:clink:
i think there realy wasnt any reason to stand in line for it, only one i can think of is so that they could play it at midnight... i didnt pre order or stand in line and picked my copy up yeasterday afternoon with no problems, there were plenty of em avalable... whatever, after all it is just a game, but it probably one of the best in a while.