APP - My Official Position on Conservative Candidates Signing onto the NOM Pledge

Marriage does not promote anything which a civil union fails to guarantee. Within the state of Vermont, civil unions equal marriages. The only difference is how the people are treated federally and in neighbouring states, at the present.
it is fundamental to our very existence and survival because people wish to develop close, personal, and intimate relationships with other beings. It allows us to thrive emotionally. It prevents the government from denying those relationships that allow us to pursue happiness.

How is any of that pap "fundamental to our [the country's] very existence and survival"?
Marriage does not promote anything which a civil union fails to guarantee. Within the state of Vermont, civil unions equal marriages. The only difference is how the people are treated federally and in neighbouring states, at the present.
Vermont civil unions and marriages are both licenses. Other states can choose to honor that license or not.
it is fundamental to our very existence and survival because people wish to develop close, personal, and intimate relationships with other beings. It allows us to thrive emotionally. It prevents the government from denying those relationships that allow us to pursue happiness.
Statement of Fact


Analysis and Position

Like it or not this country was founded on religious principles. We claim inalienable rights given to us by our Creator. Then we secured the Blessings of liberty by forming a limited government to protect those rights.

Legal marriage isn't a right; it is a privilege recognized by State governments through the licensing process because it is extremely helpful to society. Stable marriages produce fine children who form the next generation of leaders, therefore it stabilizes society. It's the same reason why we license doctors, plumbers, engineers and lawyers. If you are deemed qualified for a license then the state grants you the privilege.

Homosexual relationships are inherently as well as statistically less stable and they can't naturally produce children. Some argue that licensing would add to the stability of these relationships and I recognize that. However marriage, unlike the professions, also has a religious component, so it doesn't make sense to defy the very basis of our national claim, that of inalienable rights, if we are at the same time defying our Creator.

A reasonable and rational solution would be for States to provide a licensing venue for monogamous homosexual relationships, with the same privileges, but a different term, then the word "marriage".

Adherence to the NOM pledge does nothing to prevent this. It merely provides a uniform standard for the definition of traditional marriage, thereby recognizing its importance to a stable society.

Well since you're starting your argument off with an entirely false premise, there's really nothing to discuss here. As usual, when it comes to history you have your facts wrong and you make stuff up, so therefore, "like it or not" there's nothing to discuss here.
Well since you're starting your argument off with an entirely false premise, there's really nothing to discuss here. As usual, when it comes to history you have your facts wrong and you make stuff up, so therefore, "like it or not" there's nothing to discuss here.

Actually: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." :)
Actually: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." :)

I still wonder how gay marriage will defy the Creator.
It's neither.... it is actually a curse

that is because you're single and not married. i thought that way at one point too. being single has its disadvantages, as does being married. it simply depends on what you want out of life. everyone says what you want "in" life, but it really is "out of" life. those of us who are still six feet up, live in life, regardless. i'm pretty sure you live life to get the fullest out of it. so i find it odd you find something like marriage a curse.

and yes, i'm sure you speak - tongue in cheek. but i think it goes to the heart of the gay "marriage" issue.
I'm sure He'll be slightly annoyed, but I'm not about to run around trying to save humanity, when I'm far too busy trying to save myself.

Apparently SM has me on ignore. I guess I should post one of those "I win" lines, but it seems funny to me.

The reason I ask about defying the Creator is that those who claim we are a religious nation usually use the "endowed by our Creator" as proof, but always insist it does not mean the christian or biblical God (since we know our Founding Fathers went to some lengths to make sure no single religion was seen as the only one).

So if the Creator is not necessarily the biblical God, how do we know that we are defying our Creator?

And if someone believes that by allowing gays to marry we are defying our Creator, can they really believe that simply by changing the name from "marriage" to "civil union", our Creator will somehow be placated?
No, I just find your posts uninteresting and not worthy of a response.

So you think we are defying the Creator if we allow gay marriages, but not if we change the name to "civil unions"?

You think the Creator is interested in semantics?