APP - My Official Position on Conservative Candidates Signing onto the NOM Pledge

Licensing by its very nature is discriminatory. The state needs to discriminate between those who meet the qualifications and those who don't.

"The state needs to discriminate between those who meet the qualifications and those who don't".

I would challenge you to list those qualifications and the reasons for them.
Actually: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." :)
Ahh so please explain to me, since undoubtably Thomas Jefferson had heard of "God" and purposefully referenced a vauge "creator" and did not specifically identify any deity as being this creator, how is this a religeous principle? The only principle established here is that human rights are innate and are not granted to us by governments.

Our fournding fathers founded our government on secular principles. That's an established historical fact. Religion was specifically excluded from governance by our founding fathers with the expressely intended purpose to mitigate religions corrupting influence on government and,conversely, governments corrupting influence on religion. It has worked too.
Ahh so please explain to me, since undoubtably Thomas Jefferson had heard of "God" and purposefully referenced a vauge "creator" and did not specifically identify any deity as being this creator, how is this a religeous principle? The only principle established here is that human rights are innate and are not granted to us by governments.
There's nothing vague about a Creator. Notice that he capitalized it.
There's nothing vague about a Creator. Notice that he capitalized it.

So, SM, are you making the claim that the founding fathers (Jefferson in particular) meant the biblical God when they actually wrote "Creator"?
You know DY...I don't understand your opposition to gay marriage. I mean it's very inconsistant. You're a pro-life conservative but you oppose gays and gay marriage? I mean why hell, who has less abortions then homosexuals? Leave these people the fuck alone for christs sake. Here's an entire class of people guarenteed never to have an abortion and here you are throwing them under the bus? It just aint fucking consistant man!
What religion does not refer to a Creator? Buddhism probably doesn't, but the rest all have some sort of creation myth.

a creation story is not the same as a creator. what religions specifically refer to a creator and more specifically, a creator of life, this earth etc. or is it your position that "Creator" was not meant to be a noun?
a creation story is not the same as a creator. what religions specifically refer to a creator and more specifically, a creator of life, this earth etc. or is it your position that "Creator" was not meant to be a noun?

I am unaware of a religion with a deity that does not have a Creator who made the world.
You know DY...I don't understand your opposition to gay marriage. I mean it's very inconsistant. You're a pro-life conservative but you oppose gays and gay marriage? I mean why hell, who has less abortions then homosexuals? Leave these people the fuck alone for christs sake. Here's an entire class of people guarenteed never to have an abortion and here you are throwing them under the bus? It just aint fucking consistant man!
that's a funny argument, Moot. Completely irrelevant and inane, but funny anyway.
And this Creator does not want gays to marry, but will be ok with them having a civil union?
That's right Winter and I think I have the logic behind this figured out.

See straight couples can terminate a pregnancy with an abortion. Gay couples will never have the need to have an abortion. With that being the case gay couples don't require the same level, degree and scope of regulation of their behavior that straight couples require. Civil unions is an acceptable, affective and lesser level of regulation for them. But straight couples may be tempted to terminate a pregnancy and need a much higher level of regulation and licensing then gay couples do. Thus the "Creator" requires them to obtain a marriage license so that they may be properly regulated. Does that make any sense?
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