My plan for slavery restitution.

Oh, MASON, you silly ass! I checked the net, there is NO universal agreement on this. He WAS the president of the Confederacy, who were staunch supporters of slavery. If you were a supporter of slavery, you WERE liberal or Democratic in your thinking. The End.

Democrats of the day were conservatives. Republicans were progressives.

You’re a conservative, aren’t you?
VERY likely a liberal. I've noticed that the latest lie the Dems and libs are pushing is that Davis was a conservative and Lincoln was a liberal. What a load of BS! Lincoln was a Republican (the first Rep. president) who vehemently opposed slavery. The Confederacy was composed of Democratic southerners who were big supporters of slavery. It appears the Dim Dems are once again attempting to erroneously re-write history. That is all I have to say about this. Now go away, MASON.

Yep. Democrats were conservatives.

Your ignorance of history is astounding.
I totally support reparations for slavery if the person filing for restitution can prove the following.

1. They are citizens of the United States.
2. They have ancestors who were slaves in America.
3. They have been impacted either emotionally, physically or economically by the fact that they had ancestors who were American slaves.
4. And lastly the people paying the restitution had ancestors that were slave owners.

Proof meaning documented information supporting their claim.

I'd guess, given the delightful habits of the Old Southern Gentry, that a very high proportion of those due compensation would also be descended from the criminals themselves.

I have. It is a convenient lie you leftists tell yourself when confronted with the terrorist activities your party committed against blacks. Instead of owning up to it and accepting responsibility. You say "Ummmm, yeah, they were really conservative democrats so that doesn't count and they magically switched parties in the 1960s"

It has all been debunked

But that doesn't matter because nothing will dissuade you from believing the lie. To do otherwise would destroy your worldview. You don't have the emotional intelligence to cope with the truth. So I will leave you to your delusion
It's important to remember that political parties are just machines that different operators can control. Imagine what our Liberals and Conservatives have been responsible for over the years! They are pretty shitty, but they can't be held responsible for a label they just picked up. The American parties represent, basically, ins and outs, and their supporters change.
Neither did I, which means ... it's not HER List. I asked her where she got the 'List' but she has failed to answer.
^^ Speculation. And more importantly, I do not think it matters.

The list obviously represents her vision for what restitution could look like.

All of our opinions and ideas are shaped and informed by what we read, and from listening to people we respect or place value on.

There is not a single Plato, Aristotle, or Descartes on this board, capable of brilliant ideas and insight through the power of intellectual force exercised within a pure vacuum. And that is true even if some jpp dot com posters are legends in their own minds.

The takeaway from this thread is this:

An actual black person presented a vision of restitution, composed of tangible actions which any fair-minded person would admit are either reasonable, or at least worthy of mature deliberation even if ultimately rejected.

In stark contrast, white dude in the OP created a trollish and transparently disingenuous post claiming to present an idea for restitution, but which we all know was an insincere attempt to paint black people in a bad light. To make it seem as if all they are interested is sticking their hands out in anticipation of wads of cash being handed to them.
I have. It is a convenient lie you leftists tell yourself when confronted with the terrorist activities your party committed against blacks. Instead of owning up to it and accepting responsibility. You say "Ummmm, yeah, they were really conservative democrats so that doesn't count and they magically switched parties in the 1960s"

It has all been debunked

But that doesn't matter because nothing will dissuade you from believing the lie. To do otherwise would destroy your worldview. You don't have the emotional intelligence to cope with the truth. So I will leave you to your delusion

Ignorant liar
I totally support reparations for slavery if the person filing for restitution can prove the following.

1. They are citizens of the United States.
2. They have ancestors who were slaves in America.
3. They have been impacted either emotionally, physically or economically by the fact that they had ancestors who were American slaves.
4. And lastly the people paying the restitution had ancestors that were slave owners.

Proof meaning documented information supporting their claim.

Reparations for former slaves was already done.
^^ Speculation. And more importantly, I do not think it matters.

The list obviously represents her vision for what restitution could look like.

All of our opinions and ideas are shaped and informed by what we read, and from listening to people we respect or place value on.

There is not a single Plato, Aristotle, or Descartes on this board, capable of brilliant ideas and insight through the power of intellectual force exercised within a pure vacuum. And that is true even if some jpp dot com posters are legends in their own minds.

The takeaway from this thread is this:

An actual black person presented a vision of restitution, composed of tangible actions which any fair-minded person would admit are either reasonable, or at least worthy of mature deliberation even if ultimately rejected.

In stark contrast, white dude in the OP created a trollish and transparently disingenuous post claiming to present an idea for restitution, but which we all know was an insincere attempt to paint black people in a bad light. To make it seem as if all they are interested is sticking their hands out in anticipation of wads of cash being handed to them.

Cypress: "Speculation. And more importantly, I do not think it matters."
Jack: It's somewhat important in that I view TTQ as a 'Black CFM', and that the 'List' is something that we could all look at as 'reasonable'. 'Black CFM' is NOT reasonable but Afro-centric.

Cypress: "The list obviously represents her vision for what restitution could look like. "
Jack: Apparently you have not been reading along. Her 'vision' is that it applies to BLACK people.

see--->"From the List:
"Cash Bail hurts 'Poor People'.
Check the Box refers to Ethnicity.
Redlining is used to discriminate."

from TTQ:
"Cash Bail hurts 'BLACK People'.
Check the Box refers to BLACK people.
Redlining is used to discriminate against BLACK people."

Cypress: "An actual black person presented a vision of restitution, composed of tangible actions which any fair-minded person would admit are either reasonable, or at least worthy of mature deliberation even if ultimately rejected."
Jack: I agree. (as long as we understand 'Black CFM' isn't the originator of the 'ideas')

Cypress: "In stark contrast, white dude in the OP created a trollish and transparently disingenuous post claiming to present an idea for restitution, but which we all know was an insincere attempt to paint black people in a bad light."
Jack; Hmmmmm ... gambling in Casa Blanca ... SHOCKING!
So you're claiming that the Union Army had zero Democrats.
That the Democrats didn't run a Northern candidate in 1860?
That Gen George McClellan who ran for President in 1864,wasn't a Democrat?

No I'm saying the Civil War, like any war, was political in nature, and the opposing sides were the GOP and the Democrat Party.
Find it, post it, lying cunt.

I’ll wait.

No change in political philosophy at all. You 'rats still think that the rich make money off the backs of the poor. You still think blacks are inferior since you support AA Forever. You still think that they need whitey as his caretaker. Last time I brought this up several 'rats confirmed this lol.

All the 'rat Party has done is to change tactics. Since the mid 1960's 'rats have been far more successful at keeping the black man down than they ever could have by hanging them from trees. Congratulations, I am sure that you are proud of this accomplishment.