My plan for slavery restitution.

Do you buy any products made in 2nd and 3rd world countries? If so that means you enjoy the fruits of slave/sweat shop labor. Does that make you guilty also? Think about it.

I am actually a very responsible forward thinking consumer, but how does that affect sins of the past? You made a not very well thought out list and I pointed that out. Period!
The list is from decades of you racist fucks ignoring Black peoples concerns.

The 'List' is from 'someone', BUT NOT YOU. The List is reasonable. YOU are NOT.

From the List:
"Cash Bail hurts 'Poor People'.
Check the Box refers to Ethnicity.
Redlining is used to discriminate."

from TTQ:
"Cash Bail hurts 'BLACK People'.
Check the Box refers to BLACK people.
Redlining is used to discriminate against BLACK people."

Notice the 'List' applies to everyone affected. Maybe Jews, maybe Black people, maybe the LGBT Community.
Your sole concern, your only issue, ... is racial.
By not taking the advice from Angela Davis (United Front) you are helping destroy any attempt at Black Liberation.

Face it, TTQ. You ARE the 'Black CFM'.
It was not just slave owners that profited. There were chains of events and the only place that trickle down actually works. What if a business purchased products from slave owners but did not directly own slaves??? THINK!!!

STFU. Your NYC'er babble is nauseating.
I am actually a very responsible forward thinking consumer, but how does that affect sins of the past? You made a not very well thought out list and I pointed that out. Period!
You pointed out nothing. My analogy asks you to justify your opinion that the slave owners weren't the only ones making money off the slaves. At what point does the blame stop. The Slave oners were the ones profiting off their slaves. To the rest of the pipeline it didn't make any difference if the goods came from slave or paid labor. Hence my anology.
I think every black person in this country should get $100,000 from the Democrat Party since they were the ones who institutionalized slavery and then fought a war against the GOP when they moved to stop it.

Could you possibly be a dumber fucker,The Union Army had thousands of Democrats!
The Civil War wasn't a Republican vs Democrats war,that you're pretending
Completely wrong. But then again you always are. Maybe you can find some kids comic source link to back you up. You are good at that!


Add history to the list.

Solar radiation
Can’t read a graph
Can’t read a map

A terror with the spud peeler, though!


Add history to the list.

Solar radiation
Can’t read a graph
Can’t read a map

A terror with the spud peeler, though!


Let anyone come on down to the war zone Domer and see for themselves how full of shit you are. Oh my god are you a liar and loser. Childrens sites are what you are posting for your "citations". LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some fucking "scientist" you are!
Let anyone come on down to the war zone Domer and see for themselves how full of shit you are. Oh my god are you a liar and loser. Childrens sites are what you are posting for your "citations". LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some fucking "scientist" you are!

0, lying cunt.

Another miserable failure.

Just as I predicted!

0, lying cunt.

Another miserable failure.

Just as I predicted!


Just as you predicted....LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! You whiny little cunt. Anyone can go down there and see you melting down. "Scientific background".....needs a childrens site to prove it ...........LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just as you predicted....LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! You whiny little cunt. Anyone can go down there and see you melting down. "Scientific background".....needs a childrens site to prove it ...........LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-1, lying cunt.

Now you’re digging a hole, ZERO.


Money can't fix everything. But what it can't fix- I can't use- now give me money! That's what I want. LOL! Just Joking of course.

I know money can't fix stupid- JUST TAKE DONALD TRUMP FOR EXAMPLE!

I am not joking about that!

Money is never going to resolve racism either, no matter whether you are on the giving end- or the receiving end of money.

The majority of racism in this country stems from people over 50!

Perhaps when all of those old racist farts Die- just maybe, racism will die along with them.