My plan for slavery restitution.

Blue highlight constitutes my responses.

Here's a start to the discussion. You can always research yourself and come to you're own conclusions. At lease your willing to discuss and not just dismiss.

Eliminate the for profit prison industrial complex
I agree
Eliminate the cash bail system
I don't know enough about this to have an informed opinion, but am open to deliberation
Nationwide, more than 60 percent of jail inmates are jailed pretrial; over 30 percent cannot afford to post bail. Black and Hispanic defendants are much more likely to be held on bail than white defendants. [Criminal Justice Policy Program / Harvard Law School]
Eliminate Check the box for housing
I don't know enough about this to have an informed opinion, but am open to deliberation
I’m proud to partner with TechEquity to launch the Fair Chance Campaign. Our campaign will focus on removing one simple, but important, barrier to housing: removing that little check box that allows landlords to discriminate against people like me…..
The only place in America where you are guaranteed a roof over your head is in prison.
Eliminate Redlining in housing
I don't know enough about this to have an informed opinion, but am open to deliberation
What Is Redlining?
Redlining is an unethical practice that puts services (financial and otherwise) out of reach for residents of certain areas based on race or ethnicity. It can be seen in the systematic denial of mortgages, insurance, loans, and other financial services based on location (and that area’s default history) rather than an individual’s qualifications and creditworthiness. Notably, the policy of redlining is felt the most by residents of minority neighborhoods.
Eliminate Check the box for employment
Life in prison is meant to be difficult. But it doesn’t always get better once you’re out. Re-entering offenders often have a tough time finding employment, even when they are motivated and able to work. But “ban the box” – a popular policy aimed at helping ex-offenders find jobs – doesn’t help many ex-offenders, and actually decreases employment for black and Hispanic men who don’t have criminal records. This is a classic case of unintended consequences. We should repeal “ban the box” and focus on better alternatives.

I don't know enough about this to have an informed opinion, but am open to deliberation
Eliminate Background checks for employment
See ban the box.
I don't know enough about this to have an informed opinion, but am open to deliberation
Eliminate Bias's in Financial Institutions with low cost, low interest rate loans
Also see redlining
I agree in theory and principle
Eliminate Voting restriction
I agree in theory and principle
Eliminate the Electoral College
I agree
Eliminate the Death Penalty
I agree
Eliminate Police Unions
I don't have enough information about this to have an informed opinion, but am open to informed discussion
Police unions are the only unions white America want to keep.
“If law enforcement unions are driven by economic concerns for their workers, this drive is couched in and shaped by an almost theodicean narrative in which harsh criminal justice is vindicated as the management of evil. And, in a country that conflates blackness with criminality, law enforcement narratives that equate criminality with evil are also intractably racist”.
Eliminate Racist laws such as sagging pants, loitering, skateboarding etc.
I agree in theory and principle, but would be willing to listen to all informed arguments of the topic
People walk around the beach mostly nakked………but Blacks get arrested for sagging their pants not showing any skin.

Eliminate Racial segregation laws
I agree in theory and principle
Revise and Revamp the ENTIRE LAW ENFORCEMENT SYSTEM hold racist departments, individual kops and the Justice Department accountable.
I agree in theory and principle. Devil is in the details.
Revise and Revamp the ENTIRE JUDICIAL SYSTEM Hold racist Judges, DA's, Prosecutors, etc accountable.
I agree in theory and principle. Devil is in the details.
Free Healthcare
I agree with single payer, national health care.
Free Education
I agree with publicly-funded free or heavily subsidized college and vocational trade schools.
Raise the minimum wage to at lest 25.00 hr.
I agree in theory and principle. Devil is in the details about what the amount should actually be.
:) I've made my second cup of coffee TTQ. Running late on my many activities planned for a Monday. Keep the HATRED alive. :thumbsup:

You didn't answer the question.

Am I not suppose to call out institutional racism supported by white people?
Cypress: "Explain what it was about her post that led you to think she wanted to give up her U.S. Citizenship and move to a continent she has never lived on."
Jack: Just about EVERY post I've seen from TTQ makes me think she is just filled with HATE and RAGE over 'White People'. She's like CFM, but just the opposite. For people like her, 'Back to Africa' would be the best solution. Her 'List' is about the most reasonable thing I've ever see her post.

Cypress: "On another tangent: I am about one thousand percent sure her family has been in the United States longer than mine, and has deeper roots here than mine."
Jack: Do you refer to yourself as 'European-American'? I live in Louisiana, once a slave destination. I've met so many Blacks that have French last names and European features. 'Black', or 'Black American' is used more often than 'African-American'. MANY Blacks have lived in the US LONGER than many WHITES. I find it puzzling that people that have lived in a place for hundreds of years would refer to themselves as 'hyphenated' persons. ... another PC Fascist attempt to divide us from our Brothers and Sisters?

I support 'Dia de La Raza' (Columbus Day) as a device to describe America and our 'Mixed Race' as an Achievement.

I can see how some perceive her as abrasive. I do not always agree with what she writes, I don't agree with everything anyone writes -- but there are posters here who are far more abrasive, offensive, and downright dishonest than her. Including some degenerates who are consistently receiving "thanks" notifications from fellow rightwing posters.

Her list of what restitution strikes me as sincere, genuine, brutally honest. And honest people would agree most things on her list are either reasonable, understandable, or at least worthy of mature discussion. I did not see one tiny little nanogram of "hate" and "racism" in her post about what restitution should look like. Nor did I see the slightest indication she wanted to renounce her American citizenship and flee in horror to Africa.
I hope that their families got reparations.

The above sounds like you support reparations.

I support reparations for people directly affected by an immoral action by the government. People sent to internment camps during WWII and their immediate family should qualify.

Slavery has been illegal for over a hundred years. There are no people living today with parents or even grandparents that were slaves.
I can see how some perceive her as abrasive. I do not always agree with what she writes, I don't agree with everything anyone writes -- but there are posters here who are far more abrasive, offensive, and downright dishonest than her. Including some degenerates who are consistently receiving "thanks" notifications from fellow rightwing posters.

Her list of what restitution strikes me as sincere, genuine, brutally honest. And honest people would agree most things on her list are either reasonable, understandable, or at least worthy of mature discussion. I did not see one tiny little nanogram of "hate" and "racism" in her post about what restitution should look like. Nor did I see the slightest indication she wanted to renounce her American citizenship and flee in horror to Africa.

Neither did I, which means ... it's not HER List. I asked her where she got the 'List' but she has failed to answer.
Neither did I, which means ... it's not HER List. I asked her where she got the 'List' but she has failed to answer.

WTF are you talking about?

The list is from decades of you racist fucks ignoring Black peoples concerns.

Either you address/discuss them or not.
I totally support reparations for slavery if the person filing for restitution can prove the following.

1. They are citizens of the United States.
2. They have ancestors who were slaves in America.
3. They have been impacted either emotionally, physically or economically by the fact that they had ancestors who were American slaves.
4. And lastly the people paying the restitution had ancestors that were slave owners.

Proof meaning documented information supporting their claim.

It was not just slave owners that profited. There were chains of events and the only place that trickle down actually works. What if a business purchased products from slave owners but did not directly own slaves??? THINK!!!
It was not just slave owners that profited. There were chains of events and the only place that trickle down actually works. What if a business purchased products from slave owners but did not directly own slaves??? THINK!!!

Who owned the Ships for the Slave Trade?
It was not just slave owners that profited. There were chains of events and the only place that trickle down actually works. What if a business purchased products from slave owners but did not directly own slaves??? THINK!!!

Do you buy any products made in 2nd and 3rd world countries? If so that means you enjoy the fruits of slave/sweat shop labor. Does that make you guilty also? Think about it.