My Political Curse On Collective Souls Honoring Reasonable Doubt.


Verified User
dare anyone to use history of humanity as their alibi and social justification everyone else did it too.

Here is my curse and it comes from instinctively aware why I exist in the first placed in this atmosphere as conceived to last breath before decomposing back into never duplicating my time here again. .

A personal brain navigates being alive as eternally separated in series parallel displacement as ancestrally positioned in current plain sight. Believing anything else is possible is simply denying now is eternity enabling current events as corrupted as they arrived goes forward each generation left adapting in the moment here..".

I don't have enemies, everyone makes me theirs because I just happen to understand what every reality ignores in plain sight. On the most part I fight psychological class warfare in cyberspace because the tech supplies direct brain to brain conversations without getting nose to nose confrontations with mob mentalities willing to destroy anyone that doesn't compromise with any form of denying now is eternity when genetics shows it always was..
this is, I do compromise with reasonable doubt when it makes evolving easier for all occupying space here now. I am empathetic to all 5 generations present, not just my time isolated in my own skin.

Civil awareness there are no exceptions to objects inorganic or ancestral being eternally separated as individual cycles of compounding combinations of past and current events never staying same total sum here again.

It is why I won't take sides picking a one track mantra demanding everyone ignore how kinetic self containment works naturally.
They shut down all the asylums, and this is what happens.

yes, an instinctive brain reappears after 101 generations since the second chance was refused to be believed what life actually does in real time genetic results are eternally separated in plain sight, minus all the speculation eternity cannot be this moment here eternally separating each ancestor to evolve through last 5 generations left alive or not.

Let me play the role of antichrist and second coming simultaneously both roles spontaneously neither one. 20 year average between conceived, born, evolving, and parenting another generation. 101 times all 5 generations regardless social narrative never accepted life only exists mutually evolving in the moment here is the revolution numbers this planet made since crucifixion of the "Son of God.".
2,020 +2years and 4 months.

Humanity still corrupting last 5 generations left same old methodology.
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this is, I do compromise with reasonable doubt when it makes evolving easier for all occupying space here now. I am empathetic to all 5 generations present, not just my time isolated in my own skin.

Civil awareness there are no exceptions to objects inorganic or ancestral being eternally separated as individual cycles of compounding combinations of past and current events never staying same total sum here again.

It is why I won't take sides picking a one track mantra demanding everyone ignore how kinetic self containment works naturally.

so you're fine with carving off the genitalia of children for eugenics reasons?
so you're fine with carving off the genitalia of children for eugenics reasons?

First, I am not one doing or asking for the carving which I have no say with those that do. But since you have to avoid what life actually is, please keep protecting what living never was in real time accept by corruption last 5 generation gaps left changing population in plain sight of only occupying space as eternally separated as ancestrally here.

Your body never stayed same form shaped a fertilized cell, yet you rather die defending make believe context changes natural timing of DNA results inhabiting space limited to eternally separated now. Please retreat into your social consensus excuses you never knew while your brain navigates proportionately alive here.
First, I am not one doing or asking for the carving which I have no say with those that do. But since you have to avoid what life actually is, please keep protecting what living never was in real time accept by corruption last 5 generation gaps left changing population in plain sight of only occupying space as eternally separated as ancestrally here.

Your body never stayed same form shaped a fertilized cell, yet you rather die defending make believe context changes natural timing of DNA results inhabiting space limited to eternally separated now. Please retreat into your social consensus excuses you never knew while your brain navigates proportionately alive here.

but you're fine with it.

so living was never protecting your children from genital mutilation?
Not sure about the subject of this thread, but I am willing to throw this out there for good measure and intent!

There are only two motivations, possibly three, for doing anything and everything that man does here on Earth. [Geeko Sportivo]

And those are- they either do it to gain pleasure from doing it, or they do it to prevent some kind of pain- OR BOTH!

And I take pleasure in hoping this helps save this thread! :laugh:
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What is always used after evolving is completed? Syllables stating it didn't happen naturally being eternally separated now. Evolving is a process evolution debates doesn't work in series parallel arrangement of current population, only

my words do mean things.

your utterances are merely syllables being naturally separated now though.

that's a half :truestory:
my words do mean things.

your utterances are merely syllables being naturally separated now though.

that's a half :truestory:

reality is hyperbole practiced between ancestors mutually evolving the ever changing population never same form as their original fertilized cell occupying time inhabiting space behaving as everything going on here in this atmosphere.

what does self evident become, actual life or world staged events by one species pretending to be exceptions to living as eternally separated biologically here?
reality is hyperbole practiced between ancestors mutually evolving the ever changing population never same form as their original fertilized cell occupying time inhabiting space behaving as everything going on here in this atmosphere.

what does self evident become, actual life or world staged events by one species pretending to be exceptions to living as eternally separated biologically here?

self-evident already is.
because is already is is why now is eternal, idiot.

baffling with BS again. why is now eternal? genetics doesn't exceed evolving forward in it here now never same total sum arrived again. Time the immovable frontier theories and theologies block brains from discussing it cradle to grave by laws that order complete obedience to we say so or else democracy by policy wonking deniers capitalizing off of organized doubts systemically sustaining intellectual racism, bigotry, economic injustice, poverty, corruption, mayhem, madness, misery institutionalizing laws regulating what the brain may discuss cradle to grave.
baffling with BS again. why is now eternal? genetics doesn't exceed evolving forward in it here now never same total sum arrived again. Time the immovable frontier theories and theologies block brains from discussing it cradle to grave by laws that order complete obedience to we say so or else democracy by policy wonking deniers capitalizing of organized doubts systemically sustaining intellectual racism, bigotry, economic injustice, poverty, corruption, mayhem, madness, misery institutionalizing laws regulating what the brain may discuss cradle to grave.

nothing blocks me from discussing anything.

remembering pastly the truths powers ATTEMPT to block is my purpose.
nothing blocks me from discussing anything.

remembering pastly the truths powers ATTEMPT to block is my purpose.

Becoming a type casted person of your vernacular character requires certain specific sacrifices for the greater good of social order saving the humanities in this atmosphere. Promises made and secrets kept by those at the top of command by people demanding intellectual property rights to be classified above regular reproduced soles with no equity in reality.

Mind over matter philosophies directing symbolism over substance commodities using context over content definitions of converted to beliefs held by those agreeing to disagree life is genetically self evident total sum evolving doesn't exceed the moment here.
the deep state of mind secret held by those governing from the core of all divisions is evolving never exceeds the moment here.

Context always came after evolving completed the ways to communicate between active lifetimes inhabiting space spontaneously here simultaneously changing population each of the 5 generation gaps here. Original generation was first to die off of natural causes and the fifth in succession were always great great grandchildren replacing their previous 4 generation lineage of combined DNA never duplicating chromosomes of any two lifetimes inception to extinction.

My genetic brain arrived the nucleus of my fertilized cell, what developed your mind after birth, nurtured ancestral doubt.