Well, it hasn't changed one bit. I still feel it was the right thing to do, and we will be better off in the long run for having done it. I still feel there were things Bush and Rumsfeld bungled and misjudged, but the objective was met and it was what needed to be done.
No sooner than I logged in, Mainey was hitting me with the latest body count number... My question to Mainey is, why hasn't something been done? Congress has been in Democrat control for over 4 years, and our troops are not home yet? He acts like it's MY fault they are still in Iraq, but the Democrats in charge of Congress control the funding for the war, and without their support, it couldn't continue. So, why are we still in Iraq, Democrats?
You don't want to face the truth, you don't even want to think about it! You've managed to convince or dupe a whole bunch of really stupid people into buying your Michael Moore contrived bullshit, and you think this means you were right all along. In fact, you are not right about Iraq, never have been, and probably never will be. It will take upwards of 50 years for us to fully realize the benefit of Iraqi liberation, and forming an opinion on it now, is equivalent to me saying... well, those latest government mandates for carbon emissions haven't stopped global warming, so it is concluded there is nothing we can do about it.
Big problems take an enormous amount of time and effort to solve, and the instability in the middle east, is a BIG problem. You have no solutions, other than to ignore the problem, or try to sit down and talk to unreasonable people who have vowed to use your 'diplomacy' against you. It might be okay if there was any indication that would work, but we've tried it and it doesn't work, at least not with radical Islam.
It still amazes me, how liberals (of all people) are opposed to liberation! Opposed to toppling a tyrant who was violating the rights of women routinely, denying basic human rights to almost everyone, and feeding people into wood chippers who disagreed with him. For whatever reason, you want to make excuses for him, justify his behavior, and accept these atrocities as part of life we just have to deal with. If you were a principled bunch, it would seem you would be in favor of liberating millions, giving women the right to vote, and allowing minorities a voice in the political process.