My sisters new home...


Well-known member
It is NICE... I was there for easter.

On the Water, beautifull tuns of space...

2.4 million to build it, not including the lot.
He's providing key financial markets liquidity and they both provided for a lot of jobs building that house.
Seems a bit extravagant to me.

I wouldn't buy a home that cost that much. When I think of all the suffering in the world living in a 2.4 million dollar home would make me feel dirty.

I'm sure your sister and BIL are very nice people but I find it unfortunate the overconsumption that many American's seek.
Seems a bit extravagant to me.

I wouldn't buy a home that cost that much. When I think of all the suffering in the world living in a 2.4 million dollar home would make me feel dirty.

I'm sure your sister and BIL are very nice people but I find it unfortunate the overconsumption that many American's seek.

I think I'd be able to somehow pull myself together and manage to live in a home like that.

I mean the view of the dolphins alone makes it worth it.
the economy would go into a tailspin without luxury goods, putting millions of average JOE laborers out of work.
the economy would go into a tailspin without luxury goods, putting millions of average JOE laborers out of work.
Yep, because our economy is largely based on unsustainable excessive consumerism.

Glad you have finally seen the light Spin.
the economy would go into a tailspin without luxury goods, putting millions of average JOE laborers out of work.

You could say the same thing about bombs, missles and tanks not that I'm equating a home to a missle but the whole economy and jobs argument doesn't trump every concern.
Yep, because our economy is largely based on unsustainable excessive consumerism.

this is true. One thing I point to that highlights the sucess of the American economy is how many compulsory capitalism days we have.

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Sounds like a nice place. My place would pale in comparison, as would most American's. I am currently remodeling one of our bathrooms. The estimated cost for materials is $350......all new fixtures, new tub/shower, new walls and flooring. I'm doing the work myself so I don't count labor costs. I am keeping my old, high capacity flusher though. I hate the new ones. Every time I have to plunge one of these new, lightweight things I think of Al Gore.;)

I have nothing against extravagance, if one can afford it. One needs to note what Uscitizen has been saying.

"... our economy is largely based on unsustainable excessive consumerism."

I agree with that. So many go so deeply in debt that they'll never get out. Kids want to start out life as a young adult having everything their parents have, and their parents probably worked all their lives to have what they have. That's a recipe for trouble, IMO.