My sisters new home...

Sometimes having a home that large is bad for family too. With such a great expanse children tend to go off into isolation and the family interacts less. This is a common thing today in American families. We have our privacy a little too much I'm afraid.
Unfortunately with some parents and children it is out of sight out of mind. I don't see em so no problems. Just let them stay busy on the nintendo or computer. We have AOL porn filters in place , our little darling wouldn't do THAT!
Well, there has to be a balance. People (kids and adults) need some kind of privacy.
Of course but I think in current times we have gone too far to one end.

I read that the average father spends 15 minutes a day with his children.

thats funny USC.

Everytime my wife and I see that commercial we go on a rant about "Are these the expectations the modern American family has lowered itself to?"
The whole I have no time argument is a copout too. Everyday when I come home from work I cook my family a meal. It makes me feel good to know I am providing good tasting nutritious food for them.
The whole I have no time argument is a copout too. Everyday when I come home from work I cook my family a meal. It makes me feel good to know I am providing good tasting nutritious food for them.

Yes doing things for those we love and care about is what it is all about.

I have exactly the same thoughts about that commercial.
Today spending money = love

Buy a 300 dollar stroller and an 800 dollar crib because you love your baby. Then leave them with someone all day and even on the weekends paying someone below minimum wage to raise them.
Today spending money = love

Buy a 300 dollar stroller and an 800 dollar crib because you love your baby. Then leave them with someone all day and even on the weekends paying someone below minimum wage to raise them.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Buy them an Xbox but spend 15 min a day with them.
this is some funny shit.
So is it only the rich that are bad parents
Or only you two goobers are the good one. LOFL
Well, Ill tell you my sister is the best parent I know. She has great kids to show for it.
this is some funny shit.
So is it only the rich that are bad parents
Or only you two goobers are the good one. LOFL

Nobody said that Top but we are talking about the rich in this thread. Plenty of bad poor parents.
I have one son and 3 grandchildren, spent the day yesterday with the grandchildren. We made some crafts together.

My son now is another matter, he was by my first wife who dumped me when he was 2. She was your type of Gal spin, just all about money.
I was not allowed much control over his life. Courts were much more sexually biased in divorce cases than they are now. And it is still biased. Mommys baby, daddys maybe.
My son grew up with his mothers sense of morality. Been in jail, etc. ripped me off for tens of thousands, drugs, etc.
I have never been in jail, was just incredibly niave for marring the slut in the first place..Religious isolated upbringing was expensive to me in many ways...

Doing what I can for the grandchildren, but the deck is stacked against them.
They are in my will as a trust thing.
Man that sucks, sorry to here that.
Best thing in my life is my wife and three kids.
My wife could care less how much I make.
She clips coupons and is as frugal as can be.
Man that sucks, sorry to here that.
Best thing in my life is my wife and three kids.
My wife could care less how much I make.
She clips coupons and is as frugal as can be.

Thanks spin, none of us are without mistakes in life, some of them just plague us more.

I dote on the grandchildren, but try to give them what they need more than what they want, hopefully some of it will stick.

Sounds like you have a good wife , even if she is "gorgeous" ;)

We disagree on things, but perhaps we do agree somewhat on much of what is truely important in life ?

Some of my posts about the poor doing the same excessive spending thisg as the more well to do is from personal observation with my son and his mothers family.....

Actually most of my views in life are based on what I have lived and observed.
Merged with much of what my parents tried to teach me. They were good people , just a bit naive and too religious. Mom is still alive, and still hoping I will get religion....Dad 2 years before I was shipped to Nam. I was still too young to properly value his teachings....typical head up the butt teenager.