My sisters new home...

Thanks spin, none of us are without mistakes in life, some of them just plague us more.

I dote on the grandchildren, but try to give them what they need more than what they want, hopefully some of it will stick.

Sounds like you have a good wife , even if she is "gorgeous" ;)

We disagree on things, but perhaps we do agree somewhat on much of what is truely important in life ?

Some of my posts about the poor doing the same excessive spending thisg as the more well to do is from personal observation with my son and his mothers family.....

Actually most of my views in life are based on what I have lived and observed.
Merged with much of what my parents tried to teach me. They were good people , just a bit naive and too religious. Mom is still alive, and still hoping I will get religion....Dad 2 years before I was shipped to Nam. I was still too young to properly value his teachings....typical head up the butt teenager.

I'm sorry to hear that about your son. I know from first hand experience that drug problems are the worst since for all intents & purposes you're helpless.
I'm sorry to hear that about your son. I know from first hand experience that drug problems are the worst since for all intents & purposes you're helpless.
Thanks LadyT, but he was jailed as a thief before he got into drugs. Had a good job and stole from his employer....
His wife is totally bonked out on drugs (getting divorced). She is not even allowed to see the grandchildren.
My sons mother and her family were the root of the problem.

When my son was small all I heard was "you can't tell me how to raise MY son". When he got older and out of hand it was "what are you going to do about your son"...

Of course I was stupid enough to marry her......
She has since ran thru 2 other marriages and is still not happy, never was....
Ahh well we just have to do what we can in life with what we are given...
Man I can not imagine that with the son, I too am very sorry for you. I razz you but I sincerly hope your son gets on track and you guy's can make up for lost time.
My guys are far from perfect, more into college wrestling than books. I always told them don't hurt other people especailly girls (dating). They have done a great job on that if not the books.
Again, thanks Spin. I too hope my son gets back on track, but it becomes more doubtfulo as the years go by. I keep cordial relations with him, but that is abou it. I sure as heck do not run him or even his mother down in front of the grandchildren, they sure don't need that.
I can't say the same for his mom she gets joy our of running others down and embaressing them....
Ahh well I can only do what I can do. and hope to be a good example for the little ones.