And I assure you, it is a difficult one. For one reason, I think that people prefer living in a state of stupidity. That is, apart from whatever knowledge they may have gained to be a useful tool for a stupid society. For example, somebody wrote a couple of books once. They were called, "The Book Of General Ignorance: Everything You Think You Know Is Wrong." I have never read them. But then again, I don't need to. I know exactly where the author was coming from.
I hate to say it. But more than likely, this applies to everybody here. Obviously the reason for this ignorance is our government. It is probably because the stupid are easier to rule. Or to put it more precisely, easier to abuse. One example of this stupidity is that you probably think we live in a Democracy. But our system of government is actually a Plutocracy. Which is rule by the rich. Though to put it more precisely, our system of government is actually a Kakistocracy. Which is rule by the incompetent and corrupt.
I will give you an example of why you are more than likely stupid. And have probably been conditioned to prefer that state. It is a quote by somebody who used to be the director of the CIA. Likely with the backing of the NSA and other such government agencies. The quote I will show you is probably a sentiment that existed long before the person I will show held office and still persists. In fighting it, you would have an easier time going up against the Mafia. Who's moral standards are about the same. Also, just about every forum I know of is either directly or indirectly run by those governmental agencies. So don't expect too much truth from me here. Just as at most other forums, it wouldn't be allowed. Reading the quote, you would have to actually be insane to think they are doing you any sort of service.