I really don't care what a CIA director said. I love here on planet earth where life is very different from whatever you experience on bullshit mountain. No large conspiracy theory escapes detection in its infancy. The reasons are obvious, but again, only to those of us here in the real world. The moon landing was faked. 9/11 was a false flag. Trump won the last election, but it was stolen by Hugo Chavez, internet connected thermometers and Jewish space lasers. A cursory examination of all these conspiracy theories makes them laughable.
Ted Lasso said: 'Be curious, not judgmental.' (yes, I am aware he is a fictional character, I am also aware the quote was misattributed to Walt Whitman). Maybe you ought to spend some time contemplating that quote. You are intellectually lazy, so you just lump everything into a giant turdball and eat it whole. Then declare to the rest of the world how stupid they are. It is what it is.