My Stunningly Immature Middle-Aged Friends

The guy likes to talk dirty and touch himself and the gal found that a relationship worth partaking in for the short Term?

Now they want to punish each other for having had the relationship in the first place?

Man are there some unhappy people in this world.

No ones perfect but these people really do need to do a little thinking about their lives.
The guy likes to talk dirty and touch himself and the gal found that a relationship worth partaking in for the short Term?

Now they want to punish each other for having had the relationship in the first place?

Man are there some unhappy people in this world.

No ones perfect but these people really do need to do a little thinking about their lives.

Wait, what? LOL. Where did I say that he likes to talk dirty and touch himself? No, they used to meet for lunch a couple of times a week. I don't think he was touching himself.
Judging by that ad she made, she's way smarter than Palin.

I'll be more scared of republicans when they start supporting highly educated non-Jesus bible thumpers who actually believe in science.
Till then the masses actually will go with Obama, common sense and science.

Bring back Bob Dole
And what is wrong with talking dirty and touching yourself anyway? Not that I do that, but if someone did, is it so bad?
And what is wrong with talking dirty and touching yourself anyway? Not that I do that, but if someone did, is it so bad?

Your right nothing is wrong with that but then not willing to touch someone else puts a really creepy note on the idea.
She has way more money than Palin too. Isnt "money" republicanese for being "smart"?

She may be the best thing that happened to dems next to Obama.
We are getting smarter and more diverse as a country. As long as they roll out the comic Jesus thumpers who scare you like the Jahova's witnesses dems are good.:clink:
I had a blast from the past the other day and saw one of my childhood friends. He recently was released from jail.

I am so very glad I escaped.
I had a blast from the past the other day and saw one of my childhood friends. He recently was released from jail.

I am so very glad I escaped.
I've always found that a good pair of sneakers and good knowledge of the 'hood could get you out of trouble quite nicely.
I had a blast from the past the other day and saw one of my childhood friends. He recently was released from jail.

I am so very glad I escaped.

It just hurts the soul to see them so messed up.

I found out a guy I knew while in college ended up being a repete offender. He was a prison guard when I knew him. One of the nicest guys you could ask for. It just crept into his soul I think.

I dont know anyone from my childhood because we always moved. I will never know what became of the few friends I found along the way.

Poverty and the drugs that poor people use to escape the pain robbs this country of so much talent. I shudder to think that You Damo could have been one of those casualties. I look at the damaged people of the world and wonder just how I escaped their fate. I would like to give myself all the credit but hell I really just dont know how it happened. Many poor kids had the same dreams as I did and didnt make it. I thank the universe you did Damo.
we have a freak at work who's the type to walk up way to close and talk to people all of who'm don't want to even talk to him. He would do it to a lady at work, so I started calling him Dhamer and would joke with people to ask him if he had body parts in his car trunk.
we have a freak at work who's the type to walk up way to close and talk to people all of who'm don't want to even talk to him. He would do it to a lady at work, so I started calling him Dhamer and would joke with people to ask him if he had body parts in his car trunk.

I had a coworker that was one of those who stood way to close when he talked to you.

I finally got rude with him. That is just one of those things that drives me crazy.
I had a coworker that was one of those who stood way to close when he talked to you.

I finally got rude with him. That is just one of those things that drives me crazy.
I prefer those to the people who touch you all the time.
I prefer those to the people who touch you all the time.

I don't do the touch thing at work. A handshake as a greeting is fine, but thats it. Don't put your hand on my shoulder or whatever and we will get along fine.

I have found if you look a little scary it cures some of the the touching and standing too close issues. Having them wonder if you are sane is another plus.
we have a freak at work who's the type to walk up way to close and talk to people all of who'm don't want to even talk to him. He would do it to a lady at work, so I started calling him Dhamer and would joke with people to ask him if he had body parts in his car trunk.
That's nice that you treat people that way. Real Christian of you. :rolleyes: