My Stunningly Immature Middle-Aged Friends

My friends are driving me crazy. They had this sexless affair. I swear to God, it was a sexless love affair. Anyway, my one friend, found an affair with sex, and so the sexless affair ended. They blocked each other on myspace, and are both writing on my page, trying to outdo each other with who has the more fabulous life right now.

Hello, we are 40?! In fact, I'm 40, she's 45, and he's even older. I forgot his exact age, but he's close to 50.

It is as if Grind and Water had a falling out and were on my page. that's how immature the whole thing looks. I am seriously considering blocking both of them. I don't even know why I got this stupid page, my peace friends talked me into it so we could all be networked with other peace groups all over the country. Meanwhile, between you and me, a lot of people in the peace movement are not exactly the kind you want writing to you and tracking your movements. I mean, there are a lot of freaks. Not as many as at a Young Republicans meet up, but we have our share.

yah i know some of those people as well. The guys generally are in it for sex or conning. TONS of con men on the social sites finding restless married women to scam. I told my younger sister who is husband hunting right now to get the fuck off of the social sites and do or something where you know what your dealing with up front.
It can be some scary stuff. I hope it doesn't turn out to be a genuine threat.

Sometimes meds can help and sometimes they seem to make things worse.

It's hilarious you guys just happen to be talking about this stuff today. My cousin called my Dad last night saying "Mike, I really fucked up..."

My dad said, "Oh no... what did you do?"

He said, "I got married"

He's been on some meds since he's been trying to quit smoking pot, some anti-anxiety meds. They really have him loopy. He met some girl in a bar and married her a few weeks later, and doesn't know why he did it. He's 46, she's 26. He didn't even think about it, just did it.
wow, pot is the best for axiety and depression.
He prob wouldn't have gotten off the sofa to meat the young chick had he not switched to pharmacuticles.
It's hilarious you guys just happen to be talking about this stuff today. My cousin called my Dad last night saying "Mike, I really fucked up..."

My dad said, "Oh no... what did you do?"

He said, "I got married"

He's been on some meds since he's been trying to quit smoking pot, some anti-anxiety meds. They really have him loopy. He met some girl in a bar and married her a few weeks later, and doesn't know why he did it. He's 46, she's 26. He didn't even think about it, just did it.
Tell him to man up and do his husbandly duties.

As with most other learned scientists, I find no conflicts between my spiritual and scientific knowledge. In fact the science helps me to discover His works.

The studies show there is a big difference on the number of scientists who profess a belief in god depending on the disciplines they are involved in.

Social scientists have the highest belief in god ratio.

Physical sciences have the lowest.

One odd fact I found in a study was the ever increasing number of scientists who have an abstract believe in a higher power, but no real religious belief. This would have once been called a deist or an agnostic, but I didn't see the words used.

What sort of science do you work in, SM? Or are you still refusing to answer any direct questions?
So am I! Highly, in a field of practical science!

In another thread you talked about making sure your coworkers on a busy construction site aware of your presence by the smell of your sweat.

What sort education is it that has you doing practical science on a busy construction site and using the smell of your sweat to warn others of your presence??

Something certainly smells fishy.
In another thread you talked about making sure your coworkers on a busy construction site aware of your presence by the smell of your sweat.

What sort education is it that has you doing practical science on a busy construction site and using the smell of your sweat to warn others of your presence??

Something certainly smells fishy.

The studies show there is a big difference on the number of scientists who profess a belief in god depending on the disciplines they are involved in.

Social scientists have the highest belief in god ratio.

Physical sciences have the lowest.

One odd fact I found in a study was the ever increasing number of scientists who have an abstract believe in a higher power, but no real religious belief. This would have once been called a deist or an agnostic, but I didn't see the words used.

What sort of science do you work in, SM? Or are you still refusing to answer any direct questions?

I am an engineer, practicing in civil, structural and environmental. I would like to know just how low "lowest" is.
I am an engineer, practicing in civil, structural and environmental. I would like to know just how low "lowest" is.

An engineer? And you think the smell of sweat is a good way to let workers know where you are? lol