Yes, you did.
Nope...didn't lose a thing.
Deal with you problems. They eventually will get the best of you if you don't.
Yes, you did.
Nope...didn't lose a thing.
Deal with you problems. They eventually will get the best of you if you don't.
My guess is that the SCOTUS will do legislating...except in the wrong direction. assholes of the right will be fucked as much as those of us not on the right.
You deserve've earned all the shit coming your way.
Your attitude is why you lose.
You have been so "SPOT ON" in all your previous suggestions...………….I beg to differ, conservatives accept the RULE OF LAW, they do not attempt to change or redefine it from the bench.....if there is no language in the Constitution that address any subject before the court, a constitutional conservative will kick the decision back down to the state from which it per the rule of law contained in the 10th Amendment.![]()
Haven't lost a thing.
Enjoying my day...and my life. (Except that the course is filled with golf is becoming less enjoyable for a while.)
It's cold and rainy here so golf is for the hardcore now.
I have never before characterized any midterm election as “The most important midterm election of our generation” or anything remotely like that. All elections are important…but the hyperbolic “most important” is banal.
The excesses of Donald Trump must be repudiated…and repudiated in an unmistakable, unambiguous way…or the contemptible extremes and indulgences of the Trump phenomena will become the norm…an eventuality we simply cannot allow to happen.
Custody of our Republic passes from generation to generation. If we fail on the scale of allowing this classless abomination to set our priorities…our FAILURE is cosmic in scope.
If we find tomorrow that the infection that is Donald Trump has spread so thoroughly through our nation that victory is not accomplished in the “unmistakable, unambiguous” way I mentioned…the great experiment that is America IS LOST.
No person of intelligence or sanity should vote for ANY Republican tomorrow.
The House must be torn from control of the Republicans…and the Senate should not fall further under control of that dangerous group.
I hope it works out that way.
I dread that it won’t.
YEAH!!!!! Them “excess” jobs, “excess” money in blue collar pay checks, “excess” jobs for blacks and Hispanics, (don’t that Hitler Trump know them colored folks Ain’t allowed to have them jobs, they belong on the Democrats ghetto plantations relying on a pittance given to them of taxpayer’s money?) YEAH! Them “excess” MS13 slime killers being rounded up and sent to jail or deportation. YEAH! All of this “excess” peace talks with North Korea. YEAH! All of them “excess” dead ISIS killers. Trump is an “indulgent” extremist!!!!!
DAMNED STRAIGHT!!! Our dream of becoming Venezuela will be lost!!!!!
SURE AS YOU’RE BORN!!! Our dream of a socialized bankrupted slum America, with Americans standing in line for food, healthcare and a place to live will be gone and America Will Be Great Again, huh?????
Sweep out your snowflake safe place, load it up with crying towels and a Trump doll and lots and lots of large pins to stick into it, just in case the morons shove it up your communist ass again.
I hate to say it but I think they are going to cheat enough to win it
then we will have to fight in the streets to save this nation and the world
the Russians are going to help them in some way
I soooooo fucking hope Im wrong
The excesses of Donald Trump must be repudiated…and repudiated in an unmistakable, unambiguous way…or the contemptible extremes and indulgences of the Trump phenomena will become the norm…an eventuality we simply cannot allow to happen. Custody of our Republic passes from generation to generation. If we fail on the scale of allowing this classless abomination to set our priorities…our FAILURE is cosmic in scope.
I have never before characterized any midterm election as “The most important midterm election of our generation” or anything remotely like that. All elections are important…but the hyperbolic “most important” is banal.
The excesses of Donald Trump must be repudiated…and repudiated in an unmistakable, unambiguous way…or the contemptible extremes and indulgences of the Trump phenomena will become the norm…an eventuality we simply cannot allow to happen. Custody of our Republic passes from generation to generation. If we fail on the scale of allowing this classless abomination to set our priorities…our FAILURE is cosmic in scope.
If we find tomorrow that the infection that is Donald Trump has spread so thoroughly through our nation that victory is not accomplished in the “unmistakable, unambiguous” way I mentioned…the great experiment that is America IS LOST.
No person of intelligence or sanity should vote for ANY Republican tomorrow.
The House must be torn from control of the Republicans…and the Senate should not fall further under control of that dangerous group.
I hope it works out that way.
I dread that it won’t.
No person of intelligence or sanity should vote for ANY Republican tomorrow.
The House must be torn from control of the Republicans…and the Senate should not fall further under control of that dangerous group.
I dread that it won’t.
My guess is that intelligent, sane people all around the world are going to be pissed that they cannot vote against the abomination, Donald Trump. He is the greatest menace to peace the world has seen since Adolf Hitler.
They have instituted voter suppression as a campaign tactic. They have fought allowing students to vote on campus stopped native Americans from voting have instituted voter IDs in many states . That asshole in Georgia is an extreme cheater.
Every word that Frank speaks is true.
But guys like Frank and myself have largely lived our lives.
What you younger people will do to yourselves by not convincingly repudiating Trumpism
is too hideous to imagine.
You will have fucked up a lot worse than Frank or I could have ever done.
I hate to say it but I think they are going to cheat enough to win it
then we will have to fight in the streets to save this nation and the world
the Russians are going to help them in some way
I soooooo fucking hope Im wrong
I hate to say it but I think they are going to cheat enough to win it
then we will have to fight in the streets to save this nation and the world
the Russians are going to help them in some way
I soooooo fucking hope Im wrong