Geeko Sportivo
Verified User
I hate to say it but I think they are going to cheat enough to win it
then we will have to fight in the streets to save this nation and the world
the Russians are going to help them in some way
I soooooo fucking hope Im wrong
Making it harder to vote by mail is not going to stop voters from voting. Making minorities stand in long lines that wrap around the block in the cold and rain is not going to stop voters from participating as minorities are used to this kind of Voter Suppression.
The idea of Red States only allowing their TRUMPTARDED Republican Voting Criminal officials to count votes and allowing them discretion to just throw out total precincts of their choosing when they don't like the counts, is being challenged in court, as the votes will be federally observed, protected, and counted by Federal Poll Watchers and auditors in November.
Congress does need to pass a bill to make election day a National Holiday so that everyone can spend their entire day devoted to getting their vote out instead of having to work on election day.
So it will be up to every citizen to vote in these mid-terms- or DEMOCRACY AND FREE ELECTIONS IN THE UNITED STATES WILL BE A THING OF THE PAST!
If Trumptards win back the House or the Senate or both, Democracy in the United States will be gone forever in short shrift as autocrats will take over the control of our government and nation.
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