My way or no way... Bush is such a manipulator.

umm I sort of thought the plan all along was to include the Iraq military and replace our troops with theirs. What is new about that ?
this is basically an old falied plan that is being recycled with threats to kick the Iraq govts butt if they don't hold up their end of the deal.
umm I sort of thought the plan all along was to include the Iraq military and replace our troops with theirs. What is new about that ?
this is basically an old falied plan that is being recycled with threats to kick the Iraq govts butt if they don't hold up their end of the deal.
New is in the strategy, the use, they are put to. Before we held no position and were reactive, now there is a proactive plan to increase the security of Baghdad and to increase the speed of Iraqi training...

That is what is so different. The whole, "Where is the change in strategy?" when it is so easily seen by both military and non-military folks gets no points here. The Ds must think we are retarded to keep believing that line. When there was no change it was a good strategy to point it out, when there is change to attempt to continue along the same line just underlines that it is a partisan objection, not one based in reality of the moment.

The American people are not that stupid, a different tactic, or strategy ;), is now in order from that Party or they will find themselves shocked that America isn't believing them any longer.
now there is a proactive plan to increase the security of Baghdad and to increase the speed of Iraqi training...

It just sounds so familliar....
now there is a proactive plan to increase the security of Baghdad and to increase the speed of Iraqi training...

It just sounds so familliar....
I'm sure it does. It is, however, a definitive change in the past strategy used in Iraq. As I said, there is plenty of reason to argue against it, but pretending it doesn't exist and that it wasn't in the report are both disingenuous, pretentious, and clearly underline the partisan nature of the criticism. You'd have to not understand English to be unable to see the change, and clearly most people in the US do actually speak English. Therefore instead of attempting to spend energy saying what is happening isn't, it would behoove the D party to react to reality and give reasons that the change is a bad idea.
now why is it that you think this is some NEW strategy not tried by bush before?

because this influx or surge of men might be ''skipping'' instead of ''hopping''...?

well, i disagree, it STILL is just more of the same, another hail mary pass with NO ONE on the other end to catch it! no plans on ending anything, no goal posts or mile markers new to meet etc...

plus the baker report said that IT COULD NOT BE needed to be implemented in full, or damn close.... a multifront approach, INCLUDING talks with syria and iran...etc!

now why is it that you think this is some NEW strategy not tried by bush before?

because this influx or surge of men might be ''skipping'' instead of ''hopping''...?

well, i disagree, it STILL is just more of the same, another hail mary pass with NO ONE on the other end to catch it! no plans on ending anything, no goal posts or mile markers new to meet etc...

plus the baker report said that IT COULD NOT BE needed to be implemented in full, or damn close.... a multifront approach, INCLUDING talks with syria and iran...etc!

Because in no time have the troops been allowed to enter certain areas of Baghdad or to hold them when they did. They have been working police actions and have been reactionary.

And, one more time, I did say that we need to get him to start talking to Iran and Syria. It seems that you deliberately ignore some of the statements so you can argue with agreement in your mind somehow.

Now, recommendations are just that, and just like any other advise you take or leave some. This particular Administration has a problem with negotiation. Mostly because they know that many use negotiation as a delay tactic as they gain in power...

So, once again. The tactic changed, and either you deliberately pretend not to understand that fact, or you don't want to hear it because thinking of a new tactic of attack on the President is too difficult. Either way, it will no longer serve the Democrats to pretend that I am too stupid to see that unleashing the troops and allowing them to bring it to the enemy is different than the previous reactionary-only tactic...

There are many different arguments that you could use against it, but it not being in the report isn't one. That he hasn't taken on any of the recommendations isn't one. That he hasn't changed isn't one. So, either you work tactics that deal with reality, or you will find that this is not going to serve you any longer the hard way.
The only real difference between now and then is that now they are going to genuinely try and do what they said their goal was all the time.
The only real difference between now and then is that now they are going to genuinely try and do what they said their goal was all the time.
Once again, it is in the implementation. When you were in Viet Nam did you ever wish the Government would get out of it and let the military run the show as they would while trying to actually win? This is basically that... The military will be allowed to enter and take out people who try to kill them rather than having certain areas off-limits and certain people untouchable.
Once again, it is in the implementation. When you were in Viet Nam did you ever wish the Government would get out of it and let the military run the show as they would while trying to actually win? This is basically that... The military will be allowed to enter and take out people who try to kill them rather than having certain areas off-limits and certain people untouchable.

I am sorry Damo, I just don't buy in to this as being something NEW....Bush has SAID over and over and over the last 6 years that he WAS NOT making these Military decisions but his GENERALS were....

They have had surges before and they are no different than now, except that they may have a different general or commander.

20k in troops to secure Bagdhad as you say it is for, IS A JOKE, we need more like an additional 75k to do that and sending 20k is sending them in for another massacre....and if that is what you call as the NEW plan then ain't new to the rest of us....or the MOST of us....

I never said you did not agree with negotiating with Syria and Iran???? Why the outrage? And since you do believe he should negotiate with them, what are you doing about it? Have you sent a note to your rep and senator? have you started a post here to talk about your outrage that Bush is IGNORING the Baker report and some very important things in it that could ACTUALLY HELP US and our military...?

Instead you seem to just stick on this MINUTE technicality of whether this is something NEW for Bush or not...

Come on Damo.....guys and gals ARE GOING TO GET KILLED, in droves if this is not handled correctly!

I don't trust the judgement of president Bush on this war, farther than I can throw him and if I were YOU, I wouldn't either.

lives are at stake!!!

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Bush go 0 bounce.. In fact the SOTU speach apperantly led to a drop!

Sorry Cons!
I am sorry Damo, I just don't buy in to this as being something NEW....Bush has SAID over and over and over the last 6 years that he WAS NOT making these Military decisions but his GENERALS were....

They have had surges before and they are no different than now, except that they may have a different general or commander.

20k in troops to secure Bagdhad as you say it is for, IS A JOKE, we need more like an additional 75k to do that and sending 20k is sending them in for another massacre....and if that is what you call as the NEW plan then ain't new to the rest of us....or the MOST of us....

I never said you did not agree with negotiating with Syria and Iran???? Why the outrage? And since you do believe he should negotiate with them, what are you doing about it? Have you sent a note to your rep and senator? have you started a post here to talk about your outrage that Bush is IGNORING the Baker report and some very important things in it that could ACTUALLY HELP US and our military...?

Instead you seem to just stick on this MINUTE technicality of whether this is something NEW for Bush or not...

Come on Damo.....guys and gals ARE GOING TO GET KILLED, in droves if this is not handled correctly!

I don't trust the judgement of president Bush on this war, farther than I can throw him and if I were YOU, I wouldn't either.

lives are at stake!!!

I honestly don't really care if you "buy" it or not. It is clearly a change in strategy to allow them to enter the previously off-limits area and to take the fight proactive rather than solely reactive with certain off-limits targets.

So, whether you "buy" it being different, it simply is. Attempting to convince me that it is a wrong move will not be done by saying, "It's the same thing." when it so clearly is not. A different tactic should be taken by the Democrats, because Americans are just not that stupid. Talking points are not becoming on you, Care.

It's a warning. I haven't stated I agree with the change or that I think it is a good idea, I have simply said that attempting to paint an orange red and calling it an apple isn't going to work here.
I honestly don't really care if you "buy" it or not. It is clearly a change in strategy to allow them to enter the previously off-limits area and to take the fight proactive rather than solely reactive with certain off-limits targets.

So, whether you "buy" it being different, it simply is. Attempting to convince me that it is a wrong move will not be done by saying, "It's the same thing." when it so clearly is not. A different tactic should be taken by the Democrats, because Americans are just not that stupid. Talking points are not becoming on you, Care.

It's a warning. I haven't stated I agree with the change or that I think it is a good idea, I have simply said that attempting to paint an orange red and calling it an apple isn't going to work here.

I don't buy in to it Damo....

I will give you that this may be skipping instead of hopping, but there is no major change in any strategy and there still is no end in site to president bush's plans with the surge.... there is no end game plan.

it is same ole same ole....

the only thing different is that now they have been given PERMISSION TO KILL SUNNIS or SHIITES in their homes.....including alot of collateral damage deaths, for come! :(

and with only 20k more they still will not help the security situation there and it will put them RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of this Civil War....imo!

I am arguing the argument Damo, it is not against you and your statements personally.... ok?

I often see you do this....take it for what it is worth, but no lack of respect is intended!!!!!!


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I don't buy in to it Damo....

I will give you that this may be skipping instead of hopping, but there is no major change in any strategy and there still is no end in site to president bush's plans with the surge.... there is no end game plan.

it is same ole same ole....

the only thing different is that now they have been given PERMISSION TO KILL SUNNIS or SHIITES in their homes.....including alot of collateral damage deaths, for come! :(

and with only 20k more they still will not help the security situation there and it will put them RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of this Civil War....imo!

I am arguing the argument Damo, it is not against you and your statements personally.... ok?

I often see you do this....take it for what it is worth, but no lack of respect is intended!!!!!!


Once again, it doesn't matter that you "don't buy into it", what matters is that people are not so stupid to believe that something that is a change is the same. It isn't. Wo whether or not you think there will be a different result from the change doesn't mean beans if you are attempting to convince the rest of the people of something.

If you think it is a bad idea to change in this direction, then argue why you think such a change is bad. But attempting to say that it is the same is not going to help, it will hinder your argument in the future.

Personally, I am against the war for the same reason I always have been. It is an undeclared war. It always will be, unless by some miracle the Senate chose to suddenly declare and that is unlikely. I am not against it because of the strategy they are using, or not using. So, I have no dog in the hunt other than don't assume I am too stupid to see a change when one is clear and attempt to argue the same argument you have been.

People can see the difference in it, regardless of whether others on this site attempt to push the talking point. Americans are not that stupid and will not accept somebody who seems to think they are. There are better arguments against it, such as "We'll be going into neighborhoods and fighting one of the hardest types of warfare, door to door. Innocents will be 'collateral' damage, and many of our kids will die."

But saying, it is the same thing is simply disingenuous talking points that have no relevance. It isn't the same thing.
Once again, it is in the implementation. When you were in Viet Nam did you ever wish the Government would get out of it and let the military run the show as they would while trying to actually win? This is basically that... The military will be allowed to enter and take out people who try to kill them rather than having certain areas off-limits and certain people untouchable.

We are saying the same thing you are just spinning it a bit differently.
We are saying the same thing you are just spinning it a bit differently.
No, spin would be an attempt to make it the "same" as before when it clearly is not. That is spin, and foolish to continue. There are better reasons than, "It is the same thing." (which is all I've heard so far from the Ds) when it isn't and they aren't fooling anyone except the choir.
No, spin would be an attempt to make it the "same" as before when it clearly is not. That is spin, and foolish to continue. There are better reasons than, "It is the same thing." (which is all I've heard so far from the Ds) when it isn't and they aren't fooling anyone except the choir.

Spin can be and often is the effort to make something appear different than what the facts suggest.
Once again, it doesn't matter that you "don't buy into it", what matters is that people are not so stupid to believe that something that is a change is the same. It isn't. Wo whether or not you think there will be a different result from the change doesn't mean beans if you are attempting to convince the rest of the people of something.

If you think it is a bad idea to change in this direction, then argue why you think such a change is bad. But attempting to say that it is the same is not going to help, it will hinder your argument in the future.

Personally, I am against the war for the same reason I always have been. It is an undeclared war. It always will be, unless by some miracle the Senate chose to suddenly declare and that is unlikely. I am not against it because of the strategy they are using, or not using. So, I have no dog in the hunt other than don't assume I am too stupid to see a change when one is clear and attempt to argue the same argument you have been.

People can see the difference in it, regardless of whether others on this site attempt to push the talking point. Americans are not that stupid and will not accept somebody who seems to think they are. There are better arguments against it, such as "We'll be going into neighborhoods and fighting one of the hardest types of warfare, door to door. Innocents will be 'collateral' damage, and many of our kids will die."

But saying, it is the same thing is simply disingenuous talking points that have no relevance. It isn't the same thing.


The question is: a change in WHAT?

A change in military TACTICS?


A change in the war STRATEGY?

I don't see them as the same thing.....Though one can argue that they are the same or that the tactics, (micro-management) are a means to a strategy I suppose....

It is not disingenuous Damo?

If anything, your stance is disingenuous in my opinion!

and "ye protest, too much....!"

hehehe! lol

Spin can be and often is the effort to make something appear different than what the facts suggest.
It can. However, the facts suggest that this is a different strategy, so spin would be attempting to make it 'more of the same'.

Now, we can learn from history, surging troops with no change has never worked. Or we can live in history, and pretend that the change doesn't exist. One is spin, the other is not. And, once again just a warning, attempting to say it is the same thing when it isn't will not work for you more than temporarily. There are better arguments to make that actually work within reality.

The question is: a change in WHAT?

A change in military TACTICS?


A change in the war STRATEGY?

I don't see them as the same thing.....Though one can argue that they are the same or that the tactics, (micro-management) are a means to a strategy I suppose....

It is not disingenuous Damo?

If anything, your stance is disingenuous in my opinion!

and "ye protest, too much....!"

hehehe! lol



The question is: a change in WHAT?

A change in military TACTICS?


A change in the war STRATEGY?

I don't see them as the same thing.....Though one can argue that they are the same or that the tactics, (micro-management) are a means to a strategy I suppose....

It is not disingenuous Damo?

If anything, your stance is disingenuous in my opinion!

and "ye protest, too much....!"

hehehe! lol

Whatever. I gave my warning. When there is a clear difference in tactics attempting to sell the, "it's more of the same" will not work as it has in the past. It isn't 'more of the same' and people will see through that quickly. A different tactic in argument will be necessary for you, otherwise you make the same mistake you attempt to blame Bush for... Not reacting and changing to reality.