My Work days

gray up that benson guys hair and that is not a bad likeness of Damo.

Cypress.... Danny DeVito? Come on man.... he is like way way taller and thinner than me. A lot more hair too.
Darla, My jobs at times gets a little slow as evidenced by my many juvinile rants trying to get a rise out of my fellow turbo-lib dems.
I told some body the other day closing the books is like the race 4 days rest of month is tuning the car for the race.
The web has so much other stuff to learn from besides this board, though I have learned a lot from this one and fp.
Weird how these guys are always asking about woman, they must be between girlfiend or they are threeddee
gray up that benson guys hair and that is not a bad likeness of Damo.

Cypress.... Danny DeVito? Come on man.... he is like way way taller and thinner than me. A lot more hair too.

Oh, so you finally posted on another thread besides the one that I can't even talk to you on anymore. I thought you were never going to go to another thread again. It's nice to see you SF.
Darla, My jobs at times gets a little slow as evidenced by my many juvinile rants trying to get a rise out of my fellow turbo-lib dems.
I told some body the other day closing the books is like the race 4 days rest of month is tuning the car for the race.
The web has so much other stuff to learn from besides this board, though I have learned a lot from this one and fp.
Weird how these guys are always asking about woman, they must be between girlfiend or they are threeddee

I don't mind Beefy asking me what I look like, I guess it's normal to wonder when you are posting with someone all the time. It gets creepy sometimes from other people, but I won't name names.
Oh, so you finally posted on another thread besides the one that I can't even talk to you on anymore. I thought you were never going to go to another thread again. It's nice to see you SF.

AND I was nice to Cypress.... I am just .... that cool:cool:
Hey, we all have our areas of expertise. Economics is mine. My mind simply will not tolerate those that try to distort economics for political reasons. But that is for another thread.... the one that has gone in circles for the better part of two days :D
Hey, we all have our areas of expertise. Economics is mine. My mind simply will not tolerate those that try to distort economics for political reasons. But that is for another thread.... the one that has gone in circles for the better part of two days :D

I still disagree with you on that, just so that we are clear, but I'd like to leave it at that. :)