My Work days

Sorry...but you are the one...

Just be glad my name isn't Christy, because it could be, you had no way of knowing. And get off the subject, because you have a real mental problem.

who stirred the many times did you mention BB just in this thread...I did not respond to your childish taunts...well accept by posting a pic of Code Pink Marchers...Get back off your pedistal...I have absolutely no interest in you other than forum humor!
I still disagree with you on that, just so that we are clear, but I'd like to leave it at that. :)

Fair enough... That argument stays with that thread.... everywhere else, we can be friends again... until I push that button I just learned about.... :rolleyes:
So is alchohol legal for people your age in alabama, missouri or where ever you're from?

It was in the 80's. My BAC whenever I wrote that, though, was like 0.05. I could've driven and the cops couldn't do anything about it with a BAC that low. I still say stupid things, though. Like the thing above those statements I deleted. I knew that I'd have regretted saying it whenever I got back.