MySpace Finds 29,000 Sex Offenders

I think his point is that we are all likely monitored by 'Echelon', which is an electronic system that can sort through an amazing amount of communications for specific phrases and tag specific communication for further more direct perusal by human intel. I don't believe that phrases on a political messageboard are likely to cause anybody to be added to a 'list' though.
Not my list anymore..I am retired... however I do consult and do freebies from time to time..beefy!

It would make sense that I was on some government list if intelligent people who had nothing better to do but look for people who disagree with your war on the internets, were on government payroll. But then you were on the payroll, so .....
MySpace Finds 29,000 Sex Offenders :eek:

Jul 25, 4:32 AM (ET)


RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) - has found more than 29,000 registered sex offenders with profiles on the popular social networking Web site - more than four times the number cited by the company two months ago, officials in two states Tuesday.

Myspace yonder is full of trashy simpletons and working class whores in any case. I really don't know why they're allowed to waste such space. The internet, after all, is not a big truck. It's a series of tubes.
Yes I was...........

It would make sense that I was on some government list if intelligent people who had nothing better to do but look for people who disagree with your war on the internets, were on government payroll. But then you were on the payroll, so .....

and I lived learned and still do 'Freebies' hows that beefy?
they make their own beds...a proverb from the past!:pke:

You are an anti-American piece of shit. A traitor. Every single one of the Founding Fathers would spit in your face were they alive to do so.

The idea that a treasonous pos like you, who has no idea of the founding principles of our country, was in the fbi makes my blood run cold.

But your little bragging hints of having connections and doing favors, doesn't scare anyone here. There have always been traitors like you amok in this country and there always will be. And in the end, you always lose, and are dealt with.
To paraphrase a girl who once wrote something that annoyed the hell out of me:

lolololololololololololloololollooloolololoolloll! haha hah haha haha haha haha hahaha!

You are an anti-American piece of shit. A traitor. Every single one of the Founding Fathers would spit in your face were they alive to do so.

The idea that a treasonous pos like you, who has no idea of the founding principles of our country, was in the fbi makes my blood run cold.

But your little bragging hints of having connections and doing favors, doesn't scare anyone here. There have always been traitors like you amok in this country and there always will be. And in the end, you always lose, and are dealt with.

I am anti-American because I enforced the laws of the land..and served in the military when my country called...whatever you say...Ms.Pinko!