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I am anti-American because I enforced the laws of the land..and served in the military when my country called...whatever you say...Ms.Pinko!

Liar. You were never in Nam. You were never some fancy counter terrorism agent.

I don't even think your american. You just wished for al qaeda to attack your fellow americans in NYC.

You a traitor, a liar, and a pervert. Why don't you go join al qaeda.
Give it a rest.........

Liar. You were never in Nam. You were never some fancy counter terrorism agent.

I don't even think your american. You just wished for al qaeda to attack your fellow americans in NYC.

You a traitor, a liar, and a pervert. Why don't you go join al qaeda.

Bison are always wrong including your accusations...just because a perv and coward as the likes of you says something long enough the world will agree!..No way Jose you are the fraud!
of calling a spade a spade...don't twist this one is a old saying!
and I always tell the truth...unlike you and your ilk!
Of course it's an old saying, but it mens to say it like it is. not your spin doctoring. I would thinK

Ref yoiur own words: (quote)
you are right...I am getting tired defending from attacks from both sides of the aisle...(unquote)

I would think that you would finally get the point of what the board thinks of you. but apparently not.

Of course it's an old saying, but it mens to say it like it is. not your spin doctoring. I would thinK

Ref yoiur own words: (quote)
you are right...I am getting tired defending from attacks from both sides of the aisle...(unquote)

I would think that you would finally get the point of what the board thinks of you. but apparently not.

damo is quite aware of what I am doing..anymore nonsense donny boy?