APP - N1H1 - why is this a big deal?

Who do you think wants to pass legislation that takes a good portion of 1/6th of our economy and places it into the hands of the government? Who do you think has professed a wish that this would be the first step towards a single-payer system implemented here in the US?

Me? No I did not do it!

Do you seriously belive Obama sat down and manufactured the pig flu hype?

Do you seriously belive Obama sat down and manufactured the pig flu hype?
I think that he took advantage and helped to exaggerate a "crisis" out of a regular flu bug.

Rahm Emanuel is on the record saying to, "Never let a good crisis go unused" (paraphrasing). In order to make this a "crisis" that people got nervous about they used the power of the government. While they didn't make the flu, they created the "crisis" from what was at hand.
I think that he took advantage and helped to exaggerate a "crisis" out of a regular flu bug.

Rahm Emanuel is on the record saying to, "Never let a good crisis go unused" (paraphrasing). In order to make this a "crisis" that people got nervous about they used the power of the government. While they didn't make the flu, they created the "crisis" from what was at hand.

You may be right, and if thats true, its terrable. Its almost as bad as hyping a terrorist threat as a way to scare people into voting for you.
Id say they are both bad, but using 9-11 to scare people and hyping a security threat just after 9-11 and just prior to an election is a hair worse.
1) Not my side's tactic, his tactic.

2) That does not mean he used that tactic in this insticance.
Dooood, he's Chief of Staff and has used this tactic whenever he thought he could get away with it. Besides, its a Democrat Party staple; Emmanuel was simply the most recent to publicly acknowledge it.
Dooood, he's Chief of Staff and has used this tactic whenever he thought he could get away with it. Besides, its a Democrat Party staple; Emmanuel was simply the most recent to publicly acknowledge it.

Its a political staple of the Republican and Democratic part.

The Repugs were just the ones who have used it in the most dispicable way lately.
It's a different strain that looked like it had the possibility to be deadly.

Not as bad as the regular flu would still be bad. The flu kills 30k Americans every year.

I read this morning that it's possible that there could be 90k deaths from this flu in the US. I don't know if it's an accurate or semi-accurate prediction or not; too many factors depend on the actual spread and virlulence of the disease.
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One good benefit from the hype so far. Several schools in KY have closed for several days becuase of flu outbreaks. This instead of making kids come in and get the flu.

Actually public schools disease sharing is one legitimate reason for public helathcare.
If the govt makes us place our children in a disease spreading environment then they are responsible for at least some of the consequences.
One good benefit from the hype so far. Several schools in KY have closed for several days becuase of flu outbreaks. This instead of making kids come in and get the flu.

Actually public schools disease sharing is one legitimate reason for public helathcare.
If the govt makes us place our children in a disease spreading environment then they are responsible for at least some of the consequences.

I wholly encourage this! I read a few days ago on CNN, I think, that people were being told to send their kids to school even in the midst of a massive flu outbreak. If I had kids I'd be inclined to disregard that order and keep them home. I have a big problem with people who go out in public knowing that they're ill with a highly contagious disease. If they want to disregard the dangers to themselves that's one thing, but don't play games with other people's health!
I think all schools should start to do a half independent study program starting in Jr high.

They should be home reading up and writing papers say two days a week of the school week.

Schools could rotate the days so that fewer kids per instructor would be the norm in classes.

As they age you could up the days at home studying.

Less time to catch the flu, smaller class sizes, more independent minded kids who know how to obtain the information they need to perform the tasks in class, fewer tax dollars spent on security in schools, Fewer tax dollars going to administrators.

Its time we think out of the box to use the resources we have to get our kids learning
I think all schools should start to do a half independent study program starting in Jr high.

They should be home reading up and writing papers say two days a week of the school week.

Schools could rotate the days so that fewer kids per instructor would be the norm in classes.

As they age you could up the days at home studying.

Less time to catch the flu, smaller class sizes, more independent minded kids who know how to obtain the information they need to perform the tasks in class, fewer tax dollars spent on security in schools, Fewer tax dollars going to administrators.

Its time we think out of the box to use the resources we have to get our kids learning

Good thoughts, but the greatest impediment to this is that many if not most families have working parents and nobody is at home to supervise. I don't have a lot of confidence that the majority of kids on their own will stick to a study schedule like that.

This of course is the same problem with my suggestion about keeping them away from school during a flu epidemic.

The other major problem is that too many parents simply aren't qualified to oversee and instruct a child in the subjects that are being taught.
I wholly encourage this! I read a few days ago on CNN, I think, that people were being told to send their kids to school even in the midst of a massive flu outbreak. If I had kids I'd be inclined to disregard that order and keep them home. I have a big problem with people who go out in public knowing that they're ill with a highly contagious disease. If they want to disregard the dangers to themselves that's one thing, but don't play games with other people's health!

Here you have to have a DR excuse for all absences. Pretty rediculous and a hassle and costly and a burden for the healthcare industry, but more money for them as well.
Red state crap.
Good thoughts, but the greatest impediment to this is that many if not most families have working parents and nobody is at home to supervise. I don't have a lot of confidence that the majority of kids on their own will stick to a study schedule like that.

This of course is the same problem with my suggestion about keeping them away from school during a flu epidemic.

The other major problem is that too many parents simply aren't qualified to oversee and instruct a child in the subjects that are being taught.

Thorn what do you think of the idea of kids staying in school longer and having less summer vacation such as the KIPP schools do in the U.S. and the schools in most Asian countries do?