APP - N1H1 - why is this a big deal?

Parents are rich because they have work ethic, and they instill those values on their kids; poor parents, not so much. Camps and books have almost nothing to do with it.

I know lots of rich people who never worked a day!
Geebus... We don't need to rotate classes to protect people. Why should we do anything differently than we do for any other flu bug? This one is no worse than any normal flu bug.

They are now saying that this bug will affect over 1/2 of the US and thousands will die, mostly babies and young people.
They are now saying that this bug will affect over 1/2 of the US and thousands will die, mostly babies and young people.
In Australia it wasn't even as effective as the normal flu bug. This is a "worse case" prediction and one that is meant to frighten people into acting stupidly and supporting idiotic methods of containment for a flu that will be no more deadly than any regular flu that we largely ignore in the US.

Get your shot, (two of them for this bug) and live on.
In Australia it wasn't even as effective as the normal flu bug. This is a "worse case" prediction and one that is meant to frighten people into acting stupidly and supporting idiotic methods of containment for a flu that will be no more deadly than any regular flu that we largely ignore in the US.

Get your shot, (two of them for this bug) and live on.

They say even the shots might not work, but I'm certainly not worried about it. What will be, will be.
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They say even the shots might not work, but I'm certainly not worried about it. What will be, will be.
Pretty much. If you have a kid with asthma, get them vaccinated for the regular flu as well as this one. There's nothing terrible about being vaccinated, unless it wasn't tested like the last bird flu "epidemic" that never happened but the vaccine killed people...

Anyway, I'm digressing. This particular flu bug will have vaccines available in October for those who are most in "danger". I will be November before it is available to the public. It may have passed by that time. A flu wave lasts 6 to 8 weeks on average. This vaccine takes two shots, three weeks apart.
I do not plan on vaccine's for my family or me. WE are all relativly healthy and I belive can survive a flu.

If my wife were pregnant or my kids sickly... Id likely be in line for the vaccine.
Napolitano is here in Dallas today talking to a firefighters union telling them that Swineflu is getting ready to kill lots of people here.

Break out the fearmongering anyone?
Napolitano is here in Dallas today talking to a firefighters union telling them that Swineflu is getting ready to kill lots of people here.

Break out the fearmongering anyone?

ITs discusting what they are doing with this "epidemic"!
They are just telling you, you might die.
We are all going to die, not one of us will escape this world with this current meat vehicle intact. Now will we die of this flu? Not very likely, not even as likely as dying of a normal strain of flu that hits yearly.
looks like some police states are going to take full advantage of the 'crisis'.

Massachusetts' pandemic response bill PDF file

"Pandemic Response Bill" 2028 was passed by the Massachusetts state Senate on April 28 and is now awaiting approval in the House.

As stated in the bill, upon declaration by the governor that an emergency exists that is considered detrimental to public health or upon declaration of a state of emergency, a local public health authority, with approval of the commissioner, may exercise the following authorities (emphasis added):

* to require the owner or occupier of premises to permit entry into and investigation of the premises;

* to close, direct, and compel the evacuation of, or to decontaminate or cause to be decontaminated any building or facility, and to allow the reopening of the building or facility when the danger has ended;

* to decontaminate or cause to be decontaminated, or to destroy any material;

* to restrict or prohibit assemblages of persons;

* to require a health care facility to provide services or the use of its facility, or to transfer the management and supervision of the health care facility to the department or to a local public health authority;

* to control ingress to and egress from any stricken or threatened public area, and the movement of persons and materials within the area;

* to adopt and enforce measures to provide for the safe disposal of infectious waste and human remains, provided that religious, cultural, family, and individual beliefs of the deceased person shall be followed to the extent possible when disposing of human remains, whenever that may be done without endangering the public health;

* to procure, take immediate possession from any source, store, or distribute any anti-toxins, serums, vaccines, immunizing agents, antibiotics, and other pharmaceutical agents or medical supplies located within the commonwealth as may be necessary to respond to the emergency;

* to require in-state health care providers to assist in the performance of vaccination, treatment, examination, or testing of any individual as a condition of licensure, authorization, or the ability to continue to function as a health care provider in the commonwealth;

* to waive the commonwealth's licensing requirements for health care professionals with a valid license from another state in the United States or whose professional training would otherwise qualify them for an appropriate professional license in the commonwealth;

* to allow for the dispensing of controlled substance by appropriate personnel consistent with federal statutes as necessary for the prevention or treatment of illness;

* to authorize the chief medical examiner to appoint and prescribe the duties of such emergency assistant medical examiners as may be required for the proper performance of the duties of office;

* to collect specimens and perform tests on any animal, living or deceased;

* to exercise authority under sections 95 and 96 of chapter 111;

* to care for any emerging mental health or crisis counseling needs that individuals may exhibit, with the consent of the individuals
We are all going to die, not one of us will escape this world with this current meat vehicle intact. Now will we die of this flu? Not very likely, not even as likely as dying of a normal strain of flu that hits yearly.

Yes, I know, I was being sarcastic.
looks like some police states are going to take full advantage of the 'crisis'.

Massachusetts' pandemic response bill PDF file

"Pandemic Response Bill" 2028 was passed by the Massachusetts state Senate on April 28 and is now awaiting approval in the House.

As stated in the bill, upon declaration by the governor that an emergency exists that is considered detrimental to public health or upon declaration of a state of emergency, a local public health authority, with approval of the commissioner, may exercise the following authorities (emphasis added):

* to require the owner or occupier of premises to permit entry into and investigation of the premises;

* to close, direct, and compel the evacuation of, or to decontaminate or cause to be decontaminated any building or facility, and to allow the reopening of the building or facility when the danger has ended;

* to decontaminate or cause to be decontaminated, or to destroy any material;

* to restrict or prohibit assemblages of persons;

* to require a health care facility to provide services or the use of its facility, or to transfer the management and supervision of the health care facility to the department or to a local public health authority;

* to control ingress to and egress from any stricken or threatened public area, and the movement of persons and materials within the area;

* to adopt and enforce measures to provide for the safe disposal of infectious waste and human remains, provided that religious, cultural, family, and individual beliefs of the deceased person shall be followed to the extent possible when disposing of human remains, whenever that may be done without endangering the public health;

* to procure, take immediate possession from any source, store, or distribute any anti-toxins, serums, vaccines, immunizing agents, antibiotics, and other pharmaceutical agents or medical supplies located within the commonwealth as may be necessary to respond to the emergency;

* to require in-state health care providers to assist in the performance of vaccination, treatment, examination, or testing of any individual as a condition of licensure, authorization, or the ability to continue to function as a health care provider in the commonwealth;

* to waive the commonwealth's licensing requirements for health care professionals with a valid license from another state in the United States or whose professional training would otherwise qualify them for an appropriate professional license in the commonwealth;

* to allow for the dispensing of controlled substance by appropriate personnel consistent with federal statutes as necessary for the prevention or treatment of illness;

* to authorize the chief medical examiner to appoint and prescribe the duties of such emergency assistant medical examiners as may be required for the proper performance of the duties of office;

* to collect specimens and perform tests on any animal, living or deceased;

* to exercise authority under sections 95 and 96 of chapter 111;

* to care for any emerging mental health or crisis counseling needs that individuals may exhibit, with the consent of the individuals

I have heard that the N1H1 flu is not really any worse than a regular flu.... Infact some reputable sources have told me its not as bad as a regular flu.

Why the hype? What is it about this flu that sets it apart from other flu's?

IMHO, it's just the latest phase in the unholy alliance between the FDA and pharmaceutical industry. When I saw that chick from the WHO declare a pandemic (and if she didn't, I'll take it back), I practically lept from my chair!

The worldwide death toll from this particular strain wasn't even enough to rate a percentage point as to how many people DIE annually in the USA from flu viruses that have been with us ever since I can remember.

Interesting that time tested cures and remedies have to wait YEARS before the FDA decides that they can market with declarations of they cure.....while suddenly VACCINES are being rushed through for the N1H1....a flu viruse that compared to others is NOT even exceptionally lethal.

As the old saying goes, follow the money!