name my new cat.

smokey is with the theme of S names with a y.

The cat is gray with white tips on his back feet.
I think I mentioned my very best cat Sneakers passed away aound Labor day. He is irreplacable, used to walk along the sidewalk with me without a leash.

After a whol lot of grieving I finally contacted my vet, who was bugging me to take in a cat she was feeding outside.

He is a grey neutered male, with just a smattering of white on his back paws.

I've had him for almost a week ( this is going to be an inside cat only), but cannot think of a good name.

I've had a tradition of naming cats that began with the letter 'S" (Sneakers/Sooty/Spooky, etc) and am willing to break that tradition,
if I can get a decent name for him.

As of now it's "here Little Little", as he's only 10 pounds, and 1 1/2 years old.
any suggestions would be appreciated, something whimiscal but not too weird is what I'm looking for.

I 'll let you all know when i decided if you want to mention any names - TY ; annata

I think its a great name for such a guy
My boy has four white feet and a white bib. He also has one pink toe (the rest are grey) and a grey nose, too.

pretty kitty.

I love cats

My hubby merely puts up with them.

I have three dogs and that nearly got me in the big trouble with him.

He of course being a dog lover fell in love with the two I brought home when I was supposed to just bring one more home.

I cant have one right now.

My plan is to have a mix of dogs and cats in older age.

I had a gray tiger stripe cat when I met him and he actually liked that cat.

He is a animal guy raised in a cat hating family.

we had no dog so he attached to the cat.

She is long gone now though.
That sounds like a good plan, with the mix of both. Funny how family influence can color perception about animals. I found that cats are able to make lovers out of haters, though. It's that sneaky attachment thing. They get you when you aren't expecting it and your defenses are down.
That sounds like a good plan, with the mix of both. Funny how family influence can color perception about animals. I found that cats are able to make lovers out of haters, though. It's that sneaky attachment thing. They get you when you aren't expecting it and your defenses are down.

yeah its hard to hate them when they slink up to you and say a delicate meow and rub your leg and purr.

Or when you sit and watch them maneuver your house like a jungle gym and then snuggle up next to you on the couch
I now have a Silver and a Leopard. Had to have Meeko (our Siamese) put down last year ... A sad day for all of us.

I like Chi Chi Rodrigues ... That's our next male cat's name.