name my new cat.

I had a found dog with me for a couple of months a few years back and I was trying to figure out what to call him

I just sat there listing off male human names and when I said Kyle he looked at me with great interest.

I named him Kyle and it morphed into Kye.

His name is now something else but when I do see him he still responds to me calling him Kye.

He got a lovely home and sleeps in the bed of his owner every night
I think I mentioned my very best cat Sneakers passed away aound Labor day. He is irreplacable, used to walk along the sidewalk with me without a leash.

After a whol lot of grieving I finally contacted my vet, who was bugging me to take in a cat she was feeding outside.

He is a grey neutered male, with just a smattering of white on his back paws.

I've had him for almost a week ( this is going to be an inside cat only), but cannot think of a good name.

I've had a tradition of naming cats that began with the letter 'S" (Sneakers/Sooty/Spooky, etc) and am willing to break that tradition,
if I can get a decent name for him.

As of now it's "here Little Little", as he's only 10 pounds, and 1 1/2 years old.
any suggestions would be appreciated, something whimiscal but not too weird is what I'm looking for.

I 'll let you all know when i decided if you want to mention any names - TY ; annata
How about "Adobo"? :)
Jeez leaningright, it sounds like the outposts of civilization where you live. :(

You should have gone over and filled the neighbor's nether regions with buckshot. need to get out of the city more often. There are two unforgivable death penalty offenses a dog or cat can commit. Kill livestock or bite a child.
I had a found dog with me for a couple of months a few years back and I was trying to figure out what to call him

I just sat there listing off male human names and when I said Kyle he looked at me with great interest.

I named him Kyle and it morphed into Kye.

His name is now something else but when I do see him he still responds to me calling him Kye.

He got a lovely home and sleeps in the bed of his owner every night
That ones becoming a death penalty offense too. Every night I have to fight with my dog over who has the rights to my side of the bed. She seems to think she owns my pillow!!!
Hey get your own pillow.

she cant go shopping for a new one.

remember your dog always knows best
Jeez leaningright, it sounds like the outposts of civilization where you live. :(

You should have gone over and filled the neighbor's nether regions with buckshot.

Yes its an overreaction.

the animal can just be stopped by placing them in a city home instead of a grave
Hey get your own pillow.

she cant go shopping for a new one.

remember your dog always knows best
Great! Fine! So what if I do get a new pillow? Where the heck am I gonna lay may head with little miss you know who in the way?

Not only that she chews on bones on the bed. Now I have to be fair here. If I've tossed the old lady out of bed for eating cookies I can't play favorites with the dog!!!
Yes its an overreaction.

the animal can just be stopped by placing them in a city home instead of a grave
It don't work that way Desh...they won't take them. It's like trying to get someone to adopt your orphaned nephew that's a young Republican. No one wants them.