Name something good religion has caused


Junior Member
Name something good that has come soley from religion... Something real. Moses walking on water doesn't count.
Anyway, 'dawg. In the past, before the new idea of Public Schools almost every single school out there was supported by a religious institution... We can thank them for educating youngsters, if it was only in reading.
Anyway, 'dawg. In the past, before the new idea of Public Schools almost every single school out there was supported by a religious institution... We can thank them for educating youngsters, if it was only in reading.

don't count... are you trying to say religion caused education?? LOL. if anything they hinder education as in Kansas where science takes a backseat. nice try but have you been.:clink: :clink: :clink:
don't count... are you trying to say religion caused education?? LOL. if anything they hinder education as in Kansas where science takes a backseat. nice try but have you been.:clink: :clink: :clink:
In the Dark Ages almost the sum total of people who could read were either Gentry who hired a Monk as a tutor, or those who were Monks or Priests. So, yes, robdawg. Before there were Public Schools education was pretty much the sole prerogative of the Church. You may luagh but it is true. Without the church, both Christian and Muslim, we would be so far back after the Middle Ages we would still think the Telegraph was a cool new invention and the alphabet would likely be a new invention too....

Mathematics would have suffered almost a grievous blow, starting us over...

It's the same with pretty much every religion. Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Christian... It was the center for education in society in the back times.
In the Dark Ages almost the sum total of people who could read were either Gentry who hired a Monk as a tutor, or those who were Monks or Priests. So, yes, robdawg. Before there were Public Schools education was pretty much the sole prerogative of the Church. You may luagh but it is true. Without the church, both Christian and Muslim, we would be so far back after the Middle Ages we would still think the Telegraph was a cool new invention and the alphabet would likely be a new invention too....

Mathematics would have suffered almost a grievous blow, starting us over...

It's the same with pretty much every religion. Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Christian... It was the center for education in society in the back times.
Actually, in the case of mathematics, we did have to start over. It was the Muslim Arabs who preserved it for us. ;)

Your point's well taken. Today, in the "developed" world, we see a sharp distinction between religious thought and everything else. That wasn't so through most of history. Almost all universities the world over were religious schools, to some extent, up until fairly recently.
Actually, in the case of mathematics, we did have to start over. It was the Muslim Arabs who preserved it for us. ;)

Your point's well taken. Today, in the "developed" world, we see a sharp distinction between religious thought and everything else. That wasn't so through most of history. Almost all universities the world over were religious schools, to some extent, up until fairly recently.
If you notice, above, I included them in that...
although I find it interesting to note that Eratosthenes an egyptian from the third century BC, calculated the radius of the Earth to with a few percentage points of it's true size....and nearly two millenia later, in the fifteenth century AD there were Christians all over Europe who thought the world was flat.
don't count... are you trying to say religion caused education?? LOL. if anything they hinder education as in Kansas where science takes a backseat. nice try but have you been.:clink: :clink: :clink:

The United States wouldn't exist (Puritans wouldn't have come over) and we wouldn't have an education system. You can say what you want about Intelligent Design, but schools still teach evolution....furthermore, American public education was started by religious institutions...pick up a fucking history book.
Oh, and you wouldn't have anything to bitch about without religion....why don't you stop pointing your finger and look in a mirror, unless your shit is completely without odor.
The United States wouldn't exist (Puritans wouldn't have come over) and we wouldn't have an education system. You can say what you want about Intelligent Design, but schools still teach evolution....furthermore, American public education was started by religious institutions...pick up a fucking history book.
Don't be dim, duckie. Religion didn't "cause" the Puritans to come over here. It was one factor in many -- little more than a rationalisation, in the final analysis. Basically, they were a nasty, brutal bunch whom no one in England liked at all. They picked up their toys and ran off to a place where they could be nasty and brutal to their black little hearts' content. Why don't you pick up a fucking history book.

If it hadn't been them it would have been someone else.
The concepts of religious belief, are the basis for almost every law we have. The idea that "all men are created equal" is not a "scientific" concept, it is a religious one. Religious morality might be the historic cause of some wars, but it's also the thing that eventually ends most wars. Finally, religion is the vehicle, by which mankind pays tribute and honor to something greater than self, and without this, the world would become cold, selfish, and bitter... much like you.
Religion didn't "cause" the Puritans to come over here.

As a matter of fact, it did. Hello? Church of England? Fact is, without religion, there would not have been "Puritans" at all, nor a Church of England.
Religion didn't "cause" the Puritans to come over here.

As a matter of fact, it did. Hello? Church of England? Fact is, without religion, there would not have been "Puritans" at all, nor a Church of England.

Religion is only part of a cultural tradition. The Puritans were culturally incompatible with their English contemporaries. They certainly perceived that incompatibility as a religious issue, but that's a simplistic and superficial explanation.
Religion is only part of a cultural tradition. The Puritans were culturally incompatible with their English contemporaries. They certainly perceived that incompatibility as a religious issue, but that's a simplistic and superficial explanation.

They were culturally incompatible because they were Puritans! The whole reason for them coming to America, was to freely practice their religion. There is nothing superficial about it, and it just happens to be that simplistic. What you are trying to claim, is like saying, black people weren't discriminated against because they were black, rather because they were culturally incompatible with white folks.
Dixie's Pinhead Quote of the Moment:
"Your brain is too small to distinguish between Israelis and Jews."
Gonzojornals explains how to conceal your anti-Semitic views.

I digress here, but what is anti semetic or incorrect about a distinction between Israelis as countrymen and Jews as religious people?