Name something good religion has caused

We're not talking about religion here. the actual moral code or law we've enacted has exceptions for self defense etcetera. That cannot be extrapolated to 'morality is relative'.

I demonstrated the falseness of absolute morality by giving an absolute ruling (happens to be taken from religion, which uses the notion of absolute morality) and demonstrating how it doesn't fit.
I started by stating that it was the same thing. Why are you only now beginning to freak about this?

Freaking? No, just baffled as to why you would describe simple ability to do something as a right to do something. The term 'right' loses all meaning, it simply is ability.

A lion has the right to attack and eat a zebra, the zebra has the right to try to escape.

Hitler had the right to exterminate the Jews????

Hence my assertion that freedom and rights are largely interchangeable.

As is the term ability and rights???? If rights are merely the ability to do something, the term 'rights' has no meaning.
Which was my point...

The idea of rights is simply an "idea" the practice of them is what we call "freedom". One can limit the "freedoms" of another only by practicing their own "rights".

Each of these are not inimical in nature, only ability is. You can choose to disregard laws and freedoms/rights of another, nothing can stop you except your own reason, the ability to understand that basic precept of morality, or those who would act to limit your freedom to act.

Which is what a right is: A freedom to act.

That some rights are enumerated in a constitution. Or mutable in nature in a Parliamentary system exercising the absolute authority of the Monarch, doesn't change the reality that all they are is a notification that you have the expressed freedom to act on this or that...

Conversely laws are just a notice that society will exercise their will/right to stop you from exercising what they determine to be negative action.

Shoot, the founders of the nation I live in recognized a "right/responsibility" to overturn the government if it got too overbearing. Yet laws were placed that made such action against the law. Does that mean that the right doesn't exist? Of course it doesn't.
LOL. you mean when you're going to the bathroom together? In there talking about tampax and boys? LOL.

Wow. How old are you little boy?

Let me know if you ever have a real-life conservation with an actual woman, and not a tween...then maybe we'll have some common frame of reference. I have no way of knowing what the pimple squad gets up to.
Wow. How old are you little boy?

Let me know if you ever have a real-life conservation with an actual woman, and not a tween...then maybe we'll have some common frame of reference. I have no way of knowing what the pimple squad gets up to.

So what is your special pipeline to the young, married pro-family women who have rejected your cynical hippy feminist worldview?
We're not talking about religion here. the actual moral code or law we've enacted has exceptions for self defense etcetera. That cannot be extrapolated to 'morality is relative'.

I demonstrated the falseness of absolute morality by giving an absolute ruling (happens to be taken from religion, which uses the notion of absolute morality) and demonstrating how it doesn't fit.

No, you haven't. You're made the assinine leap that since we put additional qualifiers on certain actions which affects their acceptability, that therefore morality is relative.
So what is your special pipeline to the young, married pro-family women who have rejected your cynical hippy feminist worldview?

Those women aren't going into the ladies room to talk about tampons and boys, dumbass. That's the tween set. Which is where your "expertise" with "women" apparently comes in.

Are you taking one of them to see the new Hannah Montana flick this weekend? How exciting!
Those women aren't going into the ladies room to talk about tampons and boys, dumbass. That's the tween set. Which is where your "expertise" with "women" apparently comes in.

Are you taking one of them to see the new Hannah Montana flick this weekend? How exciting!

You claimed to be 'extra- privvy' to their concerns. you assert they're fretting about the reduced lifespan in their husbands, on whom they depend. I think you're bluffing, and that a normal, cool lady like one of them wouldn't get within a ten foot radius of your extremist ass.
You claimed to be 'extra- privvy' to their concerns. you assert they're fretting about the reduced lifespan in their husbands, on whom they depend. I think you're bluffing, and that a normal, cool lady like one of them wouldn't get within a ten foot radius of your extremist ass.

No, I said I'm more privy to their conversations than you would be, and you said "where in the ladies room talking about boys and tampax".

Grown women AHZ don't go to the ladies room and talk about boys and tampax. That's the pimple squad, and they're not married, they ain't even legal.

I never said they were fretting about their husband's reduced life span. You said I hated men because I prefer a partner. I pointed out that the non-working woman would seem to have more issues with men, since she, not I, is dumping all responsiblities on to him, and living longer than he is while at it.

Do you have a problem remembering who said what? Or do you, once you have backed yourself into a corner, simply try and make stuff up?
No, I said I'm more privy to their conversations than you would be, and you said "where in the ladies room talking about boys and tampax".

Grown women AHZ don't go to the ladies room and talk about boys and tampax. That's the pimple squad, and they're not married, they ain't even legal.

I never said they were fretting about their husband's reduced life span. You said I hated men because I prefer a partner. I pointed out that the non-working woman would seem to have more issues with men, since she, not I, is dumping all responsiblities on to him, and living longer than he is while at it.

Do you have a problem remembering who said what? Or do you, once you have backed yourself into a corner, simply try and make stuff up?

I never claimed to know why you hate men. I just know that you do.

And why are you more privvy to their concerns than I am? You still haven't answered that.
I never claimed to know why you hate men. I just know that you do.

And why are you more privvy to their concerns than I am? You still haven't answered that.

Not wishing to be subservient to a man, does not equal hatred. I only become involved with men I respect on many levels. The respect is mutual. That becomes a true partnership and has rewards you can't even imagine.

Why am I more privy? Because from your posts AHZ, I don't think you've ever known a woman. I don't think they talk to you. I don't think they date you. I think you know as much about women of any kind, as I know about string theory.

The only woman I know who fits your image of what a woman should be, is my sister in law. She has two friends who are very much like her. It's not something I ever thought about before this thread. I realized, like sticks with like I guess. I don't know her two friends well, yet being women, they speak freely in front of me. Last summer, I was at a barbeque sitting with them. My sister in law is miserable, and mostly talks about "spending my brother's money" because he doesn't deserve a woman who is frugal. Her friend Patty, who also doesn't work, her husband stopped having sex with her after her third child. She went for plastic surgery and had a tummy tuck and a breast lift. Now he wants to have sex with her. She hates him for not wanting her before the surgery and refused to have sex with him now. They were talking divorce then, I don't know what happened. The third one, Barbara, does work. now. She didnt' when she was married to the chief of Trauma at NShore University hospital. He left her for a nurse after ten years and two kids. She has a low wage job now.

And that's all I can claim to know about these "cool young girls" you speak of. My own circle of friends is quite different. Thank God. We never talk about boys, sometimes talk about men, often talk with men, mostly talk about our interests, politics, families, and our businesses.
Not wishing to be subservient to a man, does not equal hatred. I only become involved with men I respect on many levels. The respect is mutual. That becomes a true partnership and has rewards you can't even imagine.

Why am I more privy? Because from your posts AHZ, I don't think you've ever known a woman. I don't think they talk to you. I don't think they date you. I think you know as much about women of any kind, as I know about string theory.

The only woman I know who fits your image of what a woman should be, is my sister in law. She has two friends who are very much like her. It's not something I ever thought about before this thread. I realized, like sticks with like I guess. I don't know her two friends well, yet being women, they speak freely in front of me. Last summer, I was at a barbeque sitting with them. My sister in law is miserable, and mostly talks about "spending my brother's money" because he doesn't deserve a woman who is frugal. Her friend Patty, who also doesn't work, her husband stopped having sex with her after her third child. She went for plastic surgery and had a tummy tuck and a breast lift. Now he wants to have sex with her. She hates him for not wanting her before the surgery and refused to have sex with him now. They were talking divorce then, I don't know what happened. The third one, Barbara, does work. now. She didnt' when she was married to the chief of Trauma at NShore University hospital. He left her for a nurse after ten years and two kids. She has a low wage job now.

And that's all I can claim to know about these "cool young girls" you speak of. My own circle of friends is quite different. Thank God. We never talk about boys, sometimes talk about men, often talk with men, mostly talk about our interests, politics, families, and our businesses.

Wow. I almost shot myself from boredom while reading this.
When you have nothing to say AHZ...say nothing.

You have the habit shared by very small people of not being able to shut the fuck up. You always have to have the last word, even when you have no word to say.

Does your penis shrivel to even less than the 1/4 of an inch you were actually bragging about on another thread, if someone else has the last word? Did your mummy ignore you as a child and you have decided to make very single other human being you meet for the rest of your miserable pitiful life, pay for that?
When you have nothing to say AHZ...say nothing.

You have the habit shared by very small people of not being able to shut the fuck up. You always have to have the last word, even when you have no word to say.

Does your penis shrivel to even less than the 1/4 of an inch you were actually bragging about on another thread, if someone else has the last word? Did your mummy ignore you as a child and you have decided to make very single other human being you meet for the rest of your miserable pitiful life, pay for that?

That was about hair clippers. Is everything about penis with you? penis this, penis that?

Let go of the hate, darla. It's making you ugly.
You know what? Just get back to me when you do decide to shoot yourself. you remind me of the perfect candidate for a "suicide chump" I have no doubt you will survive the attempt on your own, pitiful life, only to outsmart yourself by surviving it as a drooling head of cabbage.

Until you complete your destiny as the punch line to a Frank Zappa song, do me a favor and shut up. Conserve energy and shut up. For once in your life, shut up. If you were a woman, you'd be the barber's wife, so, s h u t u p
You know what? Just get back to me when you do decide to shoot yourself. you remind me of the perfect candidate for a "suicide chump" I have no doubt you will survive the attempt on your own, pitiful life, only to outsmart yourself by surviving it as a drooling head of cabbage.

Until you complete your destiny as the punch line to a Frank Zappa song, do me a favor and shut up. Conserve energy and shut up. For once in your life, shut up. If you were a woman, you'd be the barber's wife, so, s h u t u p

You still haven't explained your magical pipeline to the normal women you hate.
I did, but since I didn't use only words that Hannah Montana would use, you claimed to have attempted suicide while reading it.

Do let us know if Hannah gets her big break in the new movie. I hear it's a real cliff-hanger.
I did, but since I didn't use only words that Hannah Montana would use, you claimed to have attempted suicide while reading it.

Do let us know if Hannah gets her big break in the new movie. I hear it's a real cliff-hanger.

oh yeah. the four married people you know. my bad.
oh yeah. the four married people you know. my bad.

I know many married people. I know only three, not four, where the wives do not work, have not worked, and had no plans to work...until you know, in the one case where her husband left.

It must be hard, having to squeeze me for info about women, since you know no women of any kind, yourself.