Name something good religion has caused

I know many married people. I know only three, not four, where the wives do not work, have not worked, and had no plans to work...until you know, in the one case where her husband left.

It must be hard, having to squeeze me for info about women, since you know no women of any kind, yourself.

say "hard" and "squeeze" one more time, for daddy.
Right, you're an educated woman. only loser women cook, right?

I like to vacuum. But only naked with the Rolling Stones playing.

Some people like to cook and hate to vacuum. I know men who are great cooks. You know, I'm laid back, I don't judge these things.

Why do you feel the need to put a label on everybody and make these sorts of judgements? Is the world less frightening for you with everyone in their marked boxes? Less scary?
I like to vacuum. But only naked with the Rolling Stones playing.

Some people like to cook and hate to vacuum. I know men who are great cooks. You know, I'm laid back, I don't judge these things.

Why do you feel the need to put a label on everybody and make these sorts of judgements? Is the world less frightening for you with everyone in their marked boxes? Less scary?

Ok. that's totally hot.

Does your labelling and compartmentalization help you?
Cooking is much more fun than vacuuming.

But cooking naked is much more dangerous than vacuuming naked.

It wouldn't be any fun if we were all the same. You'd be amazed at how many men don't mind cooking, and even get quite good at it, if you vacuum naked with the Stones playing in the background.
But cooking naked is much more dangerous than vacuuming naked.

It wouldn't be any fun if we were all the same. You'd be amazed at how many men don't mind cooking, and even get quite good at it, if you vacuum naked with the Stones playing in the background.

Darla, do you have a mangina?
many times you characterized "guys like me", this phantom boogeyman you've created to scare yourself into your own extremism. Why do you have this need?

Oh yes but, in fairness to most men, when I say "guys like you" I mean, you know, freaks.

I'm not speaking of most men at all.
Of my own? No, I didn't think you could you know, actually own one. And though I never personally saw him perform, some people say he wasn't as bad as all that. But I can't say for certain...I don't watch American Idol.

It WAS sad when Mangina got kicked off Idol. I voted for him three times.