Name your top 5 people you most admire ...

Thats good the hear. I am getting back to him. I agree with your comment ref Trump and Tucker asking the right questions. He stumped every single leftie he interviewed, bug style.

what did you think of the report that after mccain and palin lost the election in 2008, tucker started ragging on Palin until she threatened to come over and kick his punk ass on tv and he never mentioned her again? do you like sissy boy men who are afraid of women, generally, or just tucker?
what did you think of the report that after mccain and palin lost the election in 2008, tucker started ragging on Palin until she threatened to come over and kick his punk ass on tv and he never mentioned her again? do you like sissy boy men who are afraid of women, generally, or just tucker?

Your top 5 are ????
the only "movement" coming from trump is the diarrhea he spews from both ends that his goony voters lap up with a spoon. what a maroon. windmill cancer?
I bet a months pay you will never list your top 5 people... and I know why.... its because YOU will be wide open to possible scrutiny and criticism and you leftie types never declare anything because of this fact.
I bet a months pay you will never list your top 5 people... and I know why.... its because YOU will be wide open to possible scrutiny and criticism and you leftie types never declare anything because of this fact.

do you mean alive and dead or only alive or what? if it is an all time top 5, alive or dead, i would go with Abe Lincoln, JFK, Roger Staubach, Paul Newman and John Lennon.
lol thats a joke hes not trying to unite anything but the far left.

Dear fucking idiot

How can he be far left when he is getting big approval from even Republican voters?

Just lying and ignoring facts makes you an evil brain dead fuck

Fuck you very much
This is the 2nd time you called someone here a "pedo" and you better delete it.
This "someone" called me a LIAR. The first time I said it was to a person who dished out far worse an insult -without provocation. I am not a liar and I value my integrity. So when you tell that guy to delete calling ma a "LIAR" I will delete my calling that person a "pedo". Is that fair or is it that fairness does not matter, what do you think?