NASA: direct proof of man caused GW

I asked you a question cum gobbler, what do you want to do about it now that you know this? Dont be a fucking pussy your entire miserable life.

Eat shit public restroom shit smear

Once you believe science the path is clear to a real human

You are a fucking Russo bot hole so you don’t know

Your programmer is still out chopping wood to kept his shitty Siberian shack warm so he cant reprogram your lame ass
Hello T. A. Gardner,

The latest and best known at the moment


Perhaps the best reply to this comes form Darth Omar in another thread:

Since science is setting the conditions your problem is with the science.
they believe mankind caused global warming, just like it did 150k years ago, 100k years ago, and 50k years ago........they believe covid didn't start in China.......they believe preventing everyone from working for a living is a good thing.........they believe open borders is a solution to immigration problems........they think taking money away from rich people will create more rich people.......they think demmycrats are rational.......

Can you be more failed at this?

Tell your programmer she sucks at making you appear human
Hello evince,

And the republicans just continue to lie about the science

I’m telling you these are Russian programs we fight here

Disinformation dispensers

Lies must be fought no matter where they emerge from

Most people don’t even accept these are Russian programs

I wish they would wake up and accept what we face in this nation

Example: the Republican Party is working against joes ideas that the vast majority of Americans back


Because they are working for Putin

He blackmailed them into it

They are the enemy within

The Republican Party needs to die

They are wholly compromised

You know if the Republican party dies it will be replaced by the Trump party.

Regardless, you and I have little control over that.
Eat shit public restroom shit smear

Once you believe science the path is clear to a real human

You are a fucking Russo bot hole so you don’t know

Your programmer is still out chopping wood to kept his shitty Siberian shack warm so he cant reprogram your lame ass

More leftists clap trap bullshit from their high priest. You add nothing you piece of shit. I bet your father lopped off his dick after seeing you crawl out. What a waste of cum you are.
More leftists clap trap bullshit from their high priest. You add nothing you piece of shit. I bet your father lopped off his dick after seeing you crawl out. What a waste of cum you are.

That doesn’t sound very science based

I guess your programmers 12 year old Down syndrome kid is playing on his computer while his dad chops wood for the Siberian shack
It is remarkable that the exact same people who deny AGW-climate change are precisely the exact same people who hollered that COVID was a hoax. What are the odds?

:laugh: It's a sure bet. Non-scientific, pseudoscience wrapped in Republican political ideology is common to all of their issues.
Hello evince,

You know if the Republican party dies it will be replaced by the Trump party.

Regardless, you and I have little control over that.

It already is the trump party

Exposing their cheating and lying will kill the party
More leftists clap trap bullshit from their high priest. You add nothing you piece of shit. I bet your father lopped off his dick after seeing you crawl out. What a waste of cum you are.

NASA isn't a "high priest" or a religion.
:laugh: It's a sure bet. Non-scientific, pseudoscience wrapped in Republican political ideology is common to all of their issues.

My theory is that sentient Republicans are aware that humans are substantially responsible for the climate modifications we have seen this century, but they are emotionally invested in denial, having promoted the denial agenda for decades.

I actually believe some of them would rather have harm come to their grandchildren's welfare due to climate change, than admit they were wrong on an obscure message board to people they will never meet.
They are also the same people who claim the election was stolen, that Floyd died of a drug overdose, the government is out to confiscate your guns and that Trump was a great president.

I don't believe any of that except for Floyd dying of a drug overdose.
Hello Cypress,

My theory is that sentient Republicans are aware that humans are substantially responsible for the climate modifications we have seen this century, but they are emotionally invested in denial, having promoted the denial agenda for decades.

I actually believe some of them would rather have harm come to their grandchildren's welfare due to climate change, than admit they were wrong on an obscure message board to people they will never meet.

Tragically so.

One has to wonder why deniers apparently do not care in the least about their own descendants.
Lies and lame ass insults up against facts

The Republican Party is a smoking pile

They are a dead party barely walking