fully immersed in faith..
Planet Earth:I Can't Breathe!
so get your fucking knee off its neck......
Planet Earth:I Can't Breathe!
The rises in the East and sets in West on only two days of the year, shit for brains!!
Please prove half of the scientific community disagrees with these documented facts
That is an utter fucking lie
You are satans spawn for lying about these facts
Is that eastery enough for you
those are not "documented facts" they are unproven theories and propaganda. The climate of our planet is controlled by the sun, the earth's tilt on its axis, and ocean currents. CO2 is not a pollutant, without it there would be no life on earth.
Science thinks your an idiot liar
Dude, if you knew anything about science, then you'd understand it's a balance. Water is essential to life but if you are dropped in the middle of the Atlantic, drowning will kill you. Too much oxygen can kill you.
so now you are saying we have too much oxygen? Yes, its a balance, a natural one and its worked for hundreds of millions of years and will be working hundreds of millions of years after the last human dies.
No. I'm saying you lack a fundamental understanding of the atmosphere.
Do you believe the atmosphere of today is the same as the one as hundreds of millions of years and will be the same hundreds of millions of years after the last human dies?
basically, yes. CO2 currently makes up .039% of the atmosphere, from ice cores and fossil records it has been determined that it was at that same level millions of years ago.
Humans are certainly polluting the air and water, but that pollution is NOT changing the overall climate of the planet. So, one final time, why isn't fighting pollution enough for you? 99% of humanity is with you on that, why must you create a fake pollution/climate link? I think I know. Its not really about climate, pollution, or the earth, is it? Its really about trying to control the actions of all humans, except of course the elites who make the rules that don't apply to them. Geez. dude, actually think about this.
so now you are saying we have too much oxygen? Yes, its a balance, a natural one and its worked for hundreds of millions of years and will be working hundreds of millions of years after the last human dies.
answer the question: why can't you separate pollution and climate change? If your goal is to reduce or stop pollution, why isn't that enough? Why do you need a fake climate link to fight pollution? Answer or STFU
In a first-of-its-kind study, NASA has calculated the individual driving forces of recent climate change through direct satellite observations. And consistent with what climate models have shown for decades, greenhouse gases and suspended pollution particles in the atmosphere, called aerosols, from the burning of fossil fuels are responsible for the lion's share of modern warming.
Ahh, so now it's just "millions of years ago" instead of "hundreds of million of years ago". LOL
Good to see you did a little Googling. Kudos.![]()
The proof
we cannot produce data from hundreds of millions of years ago. But logic tells us that the earth has been going through climatic changes forever. ice ages, hot ages, continental shift, etc. We humans never caused it and never will. Now, back to my question: why isn't fighting pollution enough for you? Why do you think you need the climate narrative in order to fight pollution?
someone's theories, nothing more. Theories are not proof.