No, you're confusing finite supplies of fossil fuel, which does have physical limits, with renewable energy, which does not.
"Fossil" fuels are renewable.
That's because petroleum is made from dead plankton and diatoms that sink to the bottom of the ocean where they from frozen methane that is then slowly buried and under heat and pressure turns into oil. The shortcut is something like algae fuels.
Nuclear is available in nearly limitless amounts too. The US alone has over 1,000 years uranium available and several thousand years worth of thorium.
Well, good thing that air currents exist and wind perpetually blows across the planet because of gravity.
But not consistently in any one place. Wind turbines need the right speed of wind to work. Too little and they don't. Too much and they don't.
Good thing the sun won't die for another billion years.
Irrelevant to solar when it's nighttime...
So? Build a lot of them. We have the space.
With solar you can never build enough. For example, if you had every home in Phoenix (5th largest city in the US now) having solar panels on it, the amount returned to the grid at 2 - 3 kwh doesn't meet the output of a single gas turbine (natural gas) peaking plant in Coolidge Arizona. That's more than 250,000 homes. Also, the cost of those arrays today is roughly $10 billion dollars (250,000 x $40,000) or about half of what it would cost to build a new nuclear power plant that provides thousands of times more power than those solar panels. That's how utterly inefficient solar is.
A new nuclear plant would take up 3,000 to 5,000 acres a miniscule fraction of the land needed for solar or wind.
And coal and oil plants can't operate if it gets too hot or too we have seen in Texas this year.
Bullshit. Those plants simply weren't designed for extreme cold. There are plenty of plants elsewhere in the US that can operate in extreme cold and the ones in Texas can too if modified to do so.
The sun doesn't run out...but oil reserves do.
I already showed this is wrong too.
Nuclear and natural gas would easily meet our energy needs and make electricity cheap and plentiful. Germany right now has one of the highest Kilowatt-hour prices in the world at about $0.36. Their grid is unstable, and their neighbors are tired of Germany dumping their electricity on them.
Germany’s Maxed-Out Grid Is Causing Trouble Across Europe
Northern Germany can’t use all the renewable energy it’s making. Neither can its neighbors.
Germany’s Green Energy Destabilizing Electric Grids
Germany’s Renewables Revolution Destabilises Neighbours’ Electrical Grid
German Electricity Prices Soar, Now Most Expensive In Europe …Taxes, Green Surcharges Make Up 53.6% Of Price!
The taxes and surcharges are in good part to pay for their "smart" grid and subsidies on wind and solar...
Der Spiegel: How German Electricity Became A Luxury Item.
Power prices in Germany are among the highest in Europe, not least due to the costs arising from the launch of renewable energy sources
And because they dumped nuclear and natural gas, Germans are increasingly using environmentally unfriendly pellet stoves to heat their homes while the nation is building more "clean coal" power plants to make up for the loss of nuclear...
Which will only get better as it's developed and commercialized further. The ceiling for renewables is high, if not infinite, but the ceiling for fossil fuels is low and is getting lower each day more is extracted from the reserves.
If solar were 100% efficient it couldn't supply our energy needs. The watt density of sunlight alone, along with the fact the sun doesn't shine half the time, makes that reality.
Also, oil extraction isn't even really worth it anymore...neither is natural gas.
Since 2015,
over 200 natural gas companies have gone bankrupt to the tune of over $130 BILLION.
Wrong. It is only that the extraction process is so efficient that the price of natural gas has dropped to a point where it is unprofitable due to its low cost.
How many renewable companies went under since 2015?
That's opposed to "green energy" companies that have gone bankrupt regardless of the fact that they received massive government subsidies and tax breaks.
Solar bankruptcies alone since 2015 are well north of $200 billion, and much of that was taxpayer dollars. That doesn't include wind bankruptcies...
It’s-A-Knockout: European Wind Industry’s Total Collapse: Firms Bankrupt & Thousands Sacked
In Texas wind power is driving the power market into bankruptcy because it is heavily subsidized, just like is happening in Germany and Europe.
Wind-Energy Sector Gets $176 Billion Worth of Crony Capitalism
Panda Temple bankruptcy could chill new gas plant buildout in ERCOT market
They are one of the bigger wind power producers in Texas.
Solar and wind simply don't work because they are cost ineffective.
You want solar on your house? The installed price of a system is $40,000 to $60,000 on average. The federal tax break is about $16,000 on that. State tax breaks vary. Home solar will save an owner about $30 to $50 a month over paying for electricity on average. Assuming a 20 year service life on the array, that amounts to $12,000 saved over just buying your electricity from the grid or about $600 a year.
As I pointed out, putting panels on every home in a large city would run into the tens of billions in cost, far exceeding the cost of building large power plants and just supplying the electrical power.
With those massive government subsidies nobody would do solar on their home. It is only government bribes with tax dollars that barely make solar attractive.
Worse, in most older homes you can spend less than $12,000 and save more than $30 to $50 a month on electricity just by increasing the energy efficiency of your home. New double pane windows, better insulation, better weather stripping, caulking air infiltration locations, and that sort of thing will do it for an old home. Best, you can do it a little at a time rather than take out a 10 to 15 year loan on solar panels.
Solar and wind are utterly stupid.