Yes, yes, yes and we've seen company towns, child labor, unsafe work conditions, brutal and harsh work environments, etc, etc. Come on Winter. You know as well as I do that not business owners and employers are exactly saints either. I know all to damned well that with out the proper regulatory frame work in place and with the pressures for short term profits being what they are we would all be working for low wages, with out benefits and in unsafe work environments if it was permitted.
So now we have the regulatory frame work in place that protects workers and employees and ensures they have a stake and a place at the table? How did that come about when it didn't exist before?
It came about from the work of unions and the right to collectively bargain.
Now, you know I'm as familiar about the regulatory framework in EH&S as you are, so tell me, what happens to that regulatory framework when the social institution that brought about the enactments of these legislation is eroded to the point to where it no longer functions? Do you think that this won't impact the regulatory framework for these protections and that we wouldn't see subsequent erosions of these standards we take for granted now?
I can assure you we would and then we wouldn't have the social institutions such as unions to protect workers. We'd have to start all over again.
Winter Unions are no different then any other social institutions. They have their flaws but they are still are best safe guard against the unregulated financial power of corporations and big business.