Nazi Alert

If our apartments were separated by a door and I sat there on the floor and blew smoke under it, you might have a point.

You say you have a house now, implying that you at one time lived in a condo or apartment? Smokers can't smell their own smoke, but you can smell fish. You never smelled one of your neighbor's cooking fish because it was coming through the vents? I have. And if you don't smoke, you smell the smoke. It's just a fact. You can disagree with the law, but Tiana isn't crazy because the smoke is coming into her apartment.
Hey I'm the first to admit my apartment complex is ghetto.

Smokers are worse than heroin addicts. I say that having been one. And I have to say all of this righteous indignation is scary. I hope I never sounded like that. It looks ridiculous.
Keep in mind that libertarians believe that even if your neighbors were smoking 10 pounds of crack everyday and making enough meth to supply the entire eastern seaboard in their house, it's their right to do so, and if you or any children are bothered by ingesting or inhaling it .. then you haven't read the Constitution.

Crack and meth aren't in the Constitution, so it's their god-given right to make and smoke them.

LOL. :clink: This is why l'll never be a libertarian. None of them seem to care about the victims in this situation.

Quit reading nonsense. People who live with smokers take in about a total of 6 cigarettes a year. 6 cigarettes a year is no health risk. What you might get from your neighbor is far less.

That's still 6 more than I'd chose to have. You still haven't addressed the fact that I'm forced to marinate in cigarette smoke, a known carcinogen, against my will.


And no, I'm not against this ordinance. Why should anyone have to smell your smoke? Irrespective of the health risks .. which are real .. why should anyone have to endure your nasty habit of killing yourself?

It's a strawman, on many levels. Consitution has pretty much nothing to do with it. Further, I already pointed out the right to smoke is not even relevant here. The issue here is property rights.

If someone is violating your property rights with pollution that is one thing. But secondhand smoke from a neighboring apartment is not significant and to pretend it is, opens the door to state regulation of all sorts of activities.

And, as I mentioned, the inconsistent enforcement is a danger, for the same reasons it is a danger in the war on drgus.
It's a strawman, on many levels. Consitution has pretty much nothing to do with it. Further, I already pointed out the right to smoke is not even relevant here. The issue here is property rights.

If someone is violating your property rights with pollution that is one thing. But secondhand smoke from a neighboring apartment is not significant and to pretend it is, opens the door to state regulation of all sorts of activities.

And, as I mentioned, the inconsistent enforcement is a danger, for the same reasons it is a danger in the war on drgus.

I'd think that you'd Libertarian extremists would like that part of the law. If neighbors live harmoniously with second hand smoke then government intervention isn't an issue. However if the smoke is bothersome to one party then they have a recourse.

Kudos Northern Cal extremists!
Why is it a crock of shit? The police have resources like anyone, if you want to use more resources on nanny-state stuff then they have less resources for more serious crimes.

It's not like they're going to put in some overtime to track down the nefarious second hand smoke villains so they can feel they made a difference...

Honestly did you ever just try talking to your neighbors? People did use to do this once upon a time.

They don't seem that approachable. It also makes me nervous because the complex they just came from burned down. I should get a police report.
I'd think that you'd Libertarian extremists would like that part of the law. If neighbors live harmoniously with second hand smoke then government intervention isn't an issue. However if the smoke is bothersome to one party then they have a recourse.

Kudos Northern Cal extremists!

Yes, and if one doesn't live harmoniously with his neighbor he calls the cops on em even though he did not on other neighbors. Maybe, they never say hi when they pass. Maybe, he doesn't like the bumpersticker on their car. Or maybe he prefer neighbors with different skin colors.
Smokers are worse than heroin addicts. I say that having been one. And I have to say all of this righteous indignation is scary. I hope I never sounded like that. It looks ridiculous.

You were addicted to heroin too Darla?

Yes, and if one doesn't live harmoniously with his neighbor he calls the cops on em even though he did not on other neighbors. Maybe, they never say hi when they pass. Maybe, he doesn't like the bumpersticker on their car. Or maybe he prefer neighbors with different skin colors.

Now that's a strawman. Again. I have stated REPEATEDLY that I don't care what they smoke. what I care about is the impedence of their recreational activities on my well being and on my property.

Can you please tell me how the color of someone's skin is akin to them forcing me to inhale second hand smoke?
You were addicted to heroin too Darla?


speaking of which.......maybe you can invent an injectable form of tobacco since you don't like it and everyone can be happy. I wouldn't give two shits if they were injecting.
Stupid response t. I no more wrote the article I sourced than you wrote the one you sourced.

Fact, is you need no PhD to know that most of the studies the fearmongering are based on are flawed. You can't get reliable data from an interview.

This is a better method but it really does not tell us much.

Forty-seven percent of the infants reviewed had detectable levels of NNAL in their urine. They came from homes where an average of 76 cigarettes were smoked on a weekly basis by family members in the child's presence, both in the home and car. Those children with who didn't have detectable levels of NNAL came from homes where an average of 27 cigarettes were smoked.

What were the levels? What are the levels of a smoker?

Further, this is in close proximity and 53% did not have detectable traces. Guess what thats likely to mean about the neighbors?
Now that's a strawman. Again. I have stated REPEATEDLY that I don't care what they smoke. what I care about is the impedence of their recreational activities on my well being and on my property.

Can you please tell me how the color of someone's skin is akin to them forcing me to inhale second hand smoke?

Uhh, I don't think you know what a strawman is.

Further, you don't seem to comprehend the clear point I made. The point is that people will naturally complain inconsistently based on biases.
Stupid response t. I no more wrote the article I sourced than you wrote the one you sourced.

Fact, is you need no PhD to know that most of the studies the fearmongering are based on are flawed. You can't get reliable data from an interview.

This is a better method but it really does not tell us much.

What were the levels? What are the levels of a smoker?

Further, this is in close proximity and 53% did not have detectable traces. Guess what thats likely to mean about the neighbors?

Actually, that's a stupid response. You've been marginalizing the effects of second hand smoke this entire thread! Just because you happen to find an author that talks of a few studies suddenly I'm supposed to discredit doctors from leading research facilities and governmental agencies who concur that secondhand smoke is bad.


Last July, introducing his office's latest report on secondhand smoke, then-U.S. Surgeon General Richard Carmona asserted that "there is no risk-free level of secondhand smoke exposure," that "breathing secondhand smoke for even a short time can damage cells and set the cancer process in motion," and that children exposed to secondhand smoke will "eventually . . . develop cardiovascular disease and cancers over time."

I really love the way they point out that it is not likely to be enforced consistently, as if that is a good feature for a law.

The Belmont City Council has voted to approve an ordinance prohibiting smoking in multiunit housing, a measure hailed by supporters as a landmark ban that would give residents relief from secondhand smoke drifting into their apartments and condominiums.

Holy crap! Hiltler would be proud.

The Belmont City Council has voted to approve an ordinance prohibiting smoking in multiunit housing, a measure hailed by supporters as a landmark ban that would give residents relief from secondhand smoke drifting into their apartments and condominiums.

Holy crap! Hiltler would be proud.

I gather that you intended this to be sarcastic. We need to discuss your understanding of sarcasm.

Sarcasm would be used to ridicule an absurd idea, much like the ordinance that provoked this thread.

It works less well when your sarcastic statement is true.
Uhh, I don't think you know what a strawman is.

Further, you don't seem to comprehend the clear point I made. The point is that people will naturally complain inconsistently based on biases.[/QUOTE]

Uhhh, maybe you don't comprehend what a strawman is.

You likened my neighbors secondhand smoke to me not liking the color of someone's skin or a bumper sticker. By doing this you implied that my problem with them smoking is simply that "I don't like it" or that I find it bothersome when I have repeatedly said that is not that case. The issue is that they are impeding on my right to a smoke free environment in my home. That is the issue. Not my simple like or dislike for smoking. I'd appreciate a little honest debating here going forward. Thank You.