Nazi Alert

I so enjoy scholling you folks. Be back later.

"scholling" us?

Anyway, we were we in the same thread? The thread I was I cited sources that clearly stated that second hand smoke exposure has been clearly linked to increase chances of developing cancer.
Lady T:

US Environmental Protection Agency also identifies second hand smoke as a carcinogen:

I'm with you LadyT....I'm going with the experts.

I don't know, Gio does work for CATO and tobacco companies. I gotta say, its a tough one.
I so enjoy scholling you folks. Be back later.


RS and some dude from CATO, bested the US Surgeon General, the US Environmental Protection Agency, the World Health Organization, and the American Cancer Society.


And RS? Please stop hanging your hat on something or other from 1993. you're just like the global warming denialists. The science on second hand smoke has advanced just a tad in the last 18 years, since 1993.
String is always the guy talking about ideology getting in the way of reason - yet here is his letting his "let me do what I wanna do and fuck everyone else" ideology get in the way of what is obviously true. Second hand smoke increases cancer risk. There's no question.

To admit that much, however, would make his position very difficult to defend. And whales are better off with global warming. And baby seals look more supple when covered with spilled oil.
I think tonight I'll get a bull horn and start yelling out BB babble at 3:00 in morning. My neighbors may be a tad upset and not like it but, I will be in my own apartment and if I'm in my apartment I can do what I want. Fuck my neighbors and disturbing the peace laws.
I think tonight I'll get a bull horn and start yelling out BB babble at 3:00 in morning. My neighbors may be a tad upset and not like it but, I will be in my own apartment and if I'm in my apartment I can do what I want. Fuck my neighbors and disturbing the peace laws.

Waft some second-hand smoke their way while you're at it.
Then those darned indians and their curry. Sturff stinks and gives me headaches...

We need curry free zones.
String - What I don't get is why you are up in arms about the smoker's property right but fail to even consider for a moment the right of the non-smoker not to have their property rights infringed by the smoke of others.

Why should Lady T cede her right to a smoke free home simply based on the so-called proprty right of the smoker next door? The smoker should have the burden to ensure that his or her conduct does not have an adverse impact on others, not vice versa.

While I agree that the regulation is heavy handed, your summary dismissal of the property rights of non-smokers such as Lady T are pretty inconsistent with so-called libertarian philosophy.
I think tonight I'll get a bull horn and start yelling out BB babble at 3:00 in morning. My neighbors may be a tad upset and not like it but, I will be in my own apartment and if I'm in my apartment I can do what I want. Fuck my neighbors and disturbing the peace laws.

I'm picturing you yelling "BB babble" into a bullhorn at 3 am. It's hysterical. Too bad you don't live next to RS though. That's just what everybody wants to listen to at 3am. An incoherent drunk screaming about the vietnam war, asking if they're fat, and ending with a song.
Ahh for the country life.
At least 300 yds to the closest house....
Shoot a gun in my yard without getting arrested.
Take a leak in the woods without becoming a sex offender.
"scholling" us?

Obvious, typo. I know that it is spelled with a k.

Anyway, we were we in the same thread? The thread I was I cited sources that clearly stated that second hand smoke exposure has been clearly linked to increase chances of developing cancer.

The article you linked only said they found carcinogens in the urine. There was nothing about risks. Exposure to carcinogens is pretty much unavoidable and not necessarily a risk. Further, the article only spoke about those with direct exposure.

RS and some dude from CATO, bested the US Surgeon General, the US Environmental Protection Agency, the World Health Organization, and the American Cancer Society.


And RS? Please stop hanging your hat on something or other from 1993. you're just like the global warming denialists. The science on second hand smoke has advanced just a tad in the last 18 years, since 1993.

What are you not getting Cypress. The WHO and the Surgeon General based there reports on the 1993 EPA study. You do not have three sources independently reaching the same conclusion. You have three sources all using the same flawed study. It is you that is hanging hat on one item.
String is always the guy talking about ideology getting in the way of reason - yet here is his letting his "let me do what I wanna do and fuck everyone else" ideology get in the way of what is obviously true. Second hand smoke increases cancer risk. There's no question.

To admit that much, however, would make his position very difficult to defend. And whales are better off with global warming. And baby seals look more supple when covered with spilled oil.

Another strawman.

No, it would not make my position hard to defend (which isn't what you pretend). Further, I don't doubt that second hand smoke increases risk. To me it seems reasonable to assume it would. However, I have nothing to show me that it is a signifcant risk increase.
What are you not getting Cypress. The WHO and the Surgeon General based there reports on the 1993 EPA study. You do not have three sources independently reaching the same conclusion. You have three sources all using the same flawed study. It is you that is hanging hat on one item.

Every independent study done since 1993, shows a statitically significant link between second hand smoke, lung cancer, and other respiratory ailments. These are independent studies. I gave you the link.

The National Academy of Sciences is on my side. The World Health Organization. The USEPA. The US Surgeon General. Every major known Scientific body in the country, and perhaps the planet, that has expertise in medical science concurs with me.

You've got a tobacco funded dude. And he only CLAIMS the 1993 study is flawed. His claim, does not make fact. Especially in the face of overwhelming scientific consensus by all mainstream medical scientific bodies.
String - What I don't get is why you are up in arms about the smoker's property right but fail to even consider for a moment the right of the non-smoker not to have their property rights infringed by the smoke of others.

I have acknowledged her rights. If she had a real claim then I would fully support her taking it court. But minute amounts of second hand smoke that cannot be shown to have significant effects are not sufficient. Not liking the smell is not either. We are talking about a situation where she has accepted the burdens of living in close proximity to her neighbors and that is obviously going to involve some level of sharing their pollutants, whether it is smoke, farts, noise or odors from garbage or food.

Why should Lady T cede her right to a smoke free home simply based on the so-called proprty right of the smoker next door? The smoker should have the burden to ensure that his or her conduct does not have an adverse impact on others, not vice versa.

That's an absurd and unworkable standard. Let's take the noise pollution example Tiana gave. Should her neighbor have to prove that turning on his tv will not have an adverse impact on her?

While I agree that the regulation is heavy handed, your summary dismissal of the property rights of non-smokers such as Lady T are pretty inconsistent with so-called libertarian philosophy.

There has been no dismissal of her rights.
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Every independent study done since 1993, shows a statitically significant link between second hand smoke, lung cancer, and other respiratory ailments. These are independent studies. I gave you the link.

The National Academy of Sciences is on my side. The World Health Organization. The USEPA. The US Surgeon General. Every major known Scientific body in the country, and perhaps the planet, that has expertise in medical science concurs with me.

You've got a tobacco funded dude. And he only CLAIMS the 1993 study is flawed. His claim, does not make fact. Especially in the face of overwhelming scientific consensus by all mainstream medical scientific bodies.

I will take a look at the link. I don't doubt there are health effects, especially for those with direct exposure (live with a smoker). I am primarily talking about the ridiculous claims of 3000-50000 deaths per year and other such bs. Since the EPA study is the source of those ridiculous claims, that is what I am attacking.

There are plenty of studies that have found no link, UCLA 2003 is one. Some of the ones included in the EPAs metastudy even found a positive impact.