Nazi Alert

This thread is focused on cancer, which is fine, but there are other negative effects that also help to contribute to sickness and eventual death.

And the numbers being thrown up are based on LIVING with or being in frequent and close proximity to a smoker, not being their neighbor.

There is better info supporting SIGNIFICANT risk for other illnesses, but as far as I know, all of those are also based on the same frequency and proximity.

Again, chewing tobacco is a nice compromise.
That seems reasonable. People generally spit on the public sidewalks rather than on my back porch. And, while the sight is disgusting, I can always close my door.

Snuff? I could get behind that. Well behind but at least I'd have room. :)
And the numbers being thrown up are based on LIVING with or being in frequent and close proximity to a smoker, not being their neighbor.

There is better info supporting SIGNIFICANT risk for other illnesses, but as far as I know, all of those are also based on the same frequency and proximity.
Again, the health effects are immaterial to the basic problem.
And the numbers being thrown up are based on LIVING with or being in frequent and close proximity to a smoker, not being their neighbor.

There is better info supporting SIGNIFICANT risk for other illnesses, but as far as I know, all of those are also based on the same frequency and proximity.,3182,3172_13127__langId-en,00.html

Second-hand smoke makes you sick

No amount of second-hand smoke is safe.

Again. I know this may come as shock to you, but I'm going to arbitrarily go with medical experts whove studied this in depth over you and Gio.
But in the case of smoking in the next door unit, I have no recourse. If the neighbor insists on being an ass, I either have to move or just live with it. As you may have guessed, this is becoming a real world issue between myself and my real world neighbors -- and I was here first, dadgummit.

What about your landlord or condo association?

You are insisting that their alleged right to smoke in their home overrides my right to be unmolested in my home. Certainly a line has to be drawn somewhere but there's nothing revolutionary or Draconian about establishing a law to come down on one side or the other in the case of, ah, irreconcilable differences.

Why do you insist on the strawman? I have not claimed anyone had any right to smoke much less that such a right overrides anyone elses right.

And again, this law is not about some unreasonable level of smoke so your noise analogy does not work. Under this law there is no reasonable amount.
What about your landlord or condo association?

Why do you insist on the strawman? I have not claimed anyone had any right to smoke much less that such a right overrides anyone elses right.

And again, this law is not about some unreasonable level of smoke so your noise analogy does not work. Under this law there is no reasonable amount.

Why should I have to deal with what you (arbitrarily) consider to be a reasonable amount in my home?,3182,3172_13127__langId-en,00.html

Second-hand smoke makes you sick

No amount of second-hand smoke is safe.

Again. I know this may come as shock to you, but I'm going to arbitrarily go with medical experts whove studied this in depth over you and Gio.

It's amazing how little effort you people put into understanding what others are arguing.

I clearly stated that there is good proof for significant effects of other illnesses. So what the fuck are you agreeing with them over me?

I also pointed out that the studies, as far as I know, are all based on very close and frequent proximity to a smoker.
Why should I have to deal with what you (arbitrarily) consider to be a reasonable amount in my home?

Why should I deal with what you consider to be a reasonable amount of odor from your cooking? Now watch for the switchback "but cooking odors can't kill you" even though this line of argument is based on OrNot saying the health effects don't even matter.
What about your landlord or condo association?

Why do you insist on the strawman? I have not claimed anyone had any right to smoke much less that such a right overrides anyone elses right.

And again, this law is not about some unreasonable level of smoke so your noise analogy does not work. Under this law there is no reasonable amount.

Oh man. I wish I could remember the tread it was in, but wasn't it you or one of your Pauliticos that was saying, in response to the smoking ban somewhere, "cept in the constitution!" they didn't have a right to smoke.

Yeah, that was definitely you. Then you accused me of being a statist.

So, you have in the past said people have a constitutional right to smoke. I'll pull it up if you make me.
Yes. It does in my apartment. They put some kind of stopper at their door, so it doesn't come into my apartment as much, but it definitely does. And yes, it is nauseating and it has given us headaches.

What really sucks even more is being forcefully subjected to second hand smoke in your home/refuge without any say in the matter. If you don't want your nicotine fix to be so regulated, I'd suggest finding a method that doesn't impead on the general population.

In hotels they solve this by having smoking/nonsmoking rooms. Legslation requiring the various kinds to be seperated, I believe, would better than legislation that completely banned smoking in apartments, which is a ridiculous concept.
ib1=nothing to add.

Sorry that line of argument was from Tiana, with her "neighbor smokes, I get headeache, therefore second hand make gave me the headache."
It's amazing how little effort you people put into understanding what others are arguing.

I clearly stated that there is good proof for significant effects of other illnesses. So what the fuck are you agreeing with them over me?

I also pointed out that the studies, as far as I know, are all based on very close and frequent proximity to a smoker.


And the numbers being thrown up are based on LIVING with or being in frequent and close proximity to a smoker, not being their neighbor.

Canadian Cancer Society
No amount of second-hand smoke is safe.

You seem to be under the misguided delusion that somehow even though the smoke is permeating to apartment that I'm magically immune to the ill effects of the smoke despite the fact that I even stated that it gave me headaches among other things.,3182,3172_13127__langId-en,00.html

Second-hand smoke makes you sick

No amount of second-hand smoke is safe.

Again. I know this may come as shock to you, but I'm going to arbitrarily go with medical experts whove studied this in depth over you and Gio.

Oh come on. That's like expecting to get unbiased information about drinking laws from MADD. It isn't going to happen. Walking down the street and wiffing up some smoke isn't going to hurt you. And what are obviously very low amounts of smoke "wafting" in from apartments way off isn't going to kill you either. These are just sensationalists.