Not getting blow jobs will make a white trash hillbilly jump up and cheer an execution.
For example: "the inherent racism of southern juries." Complete bullshit.
Yet bill Clinton was educated in ........ The UK!!Uk education folks
It's limitation are why they don't have dentist either
It's strange how most blacks I meet from the south feel that Boston is more racist than the south.I don't accept the premise of your questions, that southern juries are inherently racist. Again, you need to get past your bigotry and closed-mindedness.
I don't accept the premise of your questions, that southern juries are inherently racist. Again, you need to get past your bigotry and closed-mindedness.
It's strange how most blacks I meet from the south feel that Boston is more racist than the south.
Liberal Boston!!
I know it's just my experience, but it's something to think about!!
you're evading. What a surprise.You are apparently unaware of the standards that a crime lab must meet in order to obtain such a high level of accreditation. Evidence must have an exact chain-of-custody before it is even considered for testing. Testing is peer-reviewed. The entire process is transparent to the defense. If he can't develop reasonable doubt based on the physical evidence, then either he's completely incompetent, or his client is guilty.
This isn't hick Maine, or corrupt Mexico.