NC can now resume executions

Modifyin'. Yeah... That's a whole lot different than repairin'

Go to any car dealership or 99% of car shops and ask them to do a modification like this. Yeah, it's a whole lot different. So your credibility - and astuteness - are thereby proven to be nil.

Pretty much blows your whole analysis out your blowhole.
Good on ya... And it provides you with so much knowledge about politics and aircraft carriers, and the Talmud and the world's view on 'Merica and all.... Hell yes.
No, not at all. It just shows you that you were wrong, as usual. And therefore, according to your sexist friend, "...your credibility - and astuteness - are thereby proven to be nil.

Pretty much blows your whole analysis out your blowhole."
My statements, which you denigrated as merely opinions, stand unassaulted.

The wonderfulness of your state crime lab is irrelevant to the death penalty issue if there is not some higher standard in law that juries must adhere to when meting out at death penalty. NC has no such standard in place.

You did not advocate an establishment of such a standard prior to the resumption of executions.

Ergo... NC will continue to do what it has done all along... Put folks on death row who may or may not have actually committed the capital offense for which they have been found guilty.

And you are obviously proud of that and excited for the killing to resume.

That's your opinion, because you ignore the fact that a defense attorney would use the lab accreditation as a hammer on the prosecution to provide physical evidence, and if there ain't none, that would put reasonable doubt on the table.
This is hilarious because you acknowledge that my point is correct, that is your post was meaningless, then decide to negate all that because I used the male forms of pronouns. So in one fell swoop I destroyed your argument and exposed your sexism. LOL!

Huh? "Speak English, Mick!" as they say in the movie.

If you get something as basic as my gender wrong while you're trying to make a pretty incoherent point, you are not very astute. Not like I'm a brand-new poster. If you can't get that right, who knows what else you got wrong?

But gee, glad you like my line so much you're using it over and over and over (although with crude modifications)

Your point ISN'T correct, to anyone who knows the real world - that police, crime labs, attorneys, juries get it wrong. We all know that. YOU are the one with the incredible faith in the entire justice system - at least in N. Carolina.
Tekky, are you still with us or did you just want to forget about this exchange?

How is he even being an accessory to murder?
You're not being very concise here.

He supports the death penalty. I assume he votes for pro-death penalty politicians. Thus, he is an accessory to murder - to murder by the state.
Huh? "Speak English, Mick!" as they say in the movie.

If you get something as basic as my gender wrong while you're trying to make a pretty incoherent point, you are not very astute. Not like I'm a brand-new poster. If you can't get that right, who knows what else you got wrong?

But gee, glad you like my line so much you're using it over and over and over (although with crude modifications)

Your point ISN'T correct, to anyone who knows the real world - that police, crime labs, attorneys, juries get it wrong. We all know that. YOU are the one with the incredible faith in the entire justice system - at least in N. Carolina.

You acknowledged that my point was spot-on. And again, I intentionally used the male forms of pronouns, baiting you, and the hook found it's mark.
That's your opinion, because you ignore the fact that a defense attorney would use the lab accreditation as a hammer on the prosecution to provide physical evidence, and if there ain't none, that would put reasonable doubt on the table.
again... Are you suggesting that every murder conviction in NC is as a result of a wealth of physical evidence? Are there not a number of convictions based upon eye witness testimony?
No, what I'm suggesting is that a defense attorney would use the lab accreditation as a hammer on the prosecution to provide physical evidence, and if there ain't none, that would put reasonable doubt on the table. And if he doesn't do that, he's either incompetent or his client is guilty.
No, what I'm suggesting is that a defense attorney would use the lab accreditation as a hammer on the prosecution to provide physical evidence, and if there ain't none, that would put reasonable doubt on the table. And if he doesn't do that, he's either incompetent or his client is guilty.

So... What you are saying is that any conviction based upon eye witness testimony and not a wealth of physical evidence is prima facie evidence of defense counsel incompetence?
No, what I'm suggesting is that a defense attorney would use the lab accreditation as a hammer on the prosecution to provide physical evidence, and if there ain't none, that would put reasonable doubt on the table. And if he doesn't do that, he's either incompetent or his client is guilty.
. So, in any capital case without a wealth of physical evidence, the defense attorney should demand that the super duper accredited lab analyze physical evidence even when none exists, and the mere lack of physical evidence is reason enough for any competent defense attorney to convince a jury that reasonable doubt exists, regardless of the strength of the prosecution's case with regard to multiple eyewiness accounts, strong circumstantial evidence, demonstrable motive, etc... If the defense attorney cannot get an acquittal, then either he is incompetent, or his client MUST be guilty. Is that the "elevated standard of proof" for death penalty cases you alluded to before?
He supports the death penalty. I assume he votes for pro-death penalty politicians. Thus, he is an accessory to murder - to murder by the state.

Now I see why you used the word "murder" and it's because you wrote your own definition.
Still doesn't make you correct and is really a major fail, on your part.

The death penalty is not murder.