The only hate I see on this thread come from religious extremists, including atheists, like you, Perry Phd.
On the subject of Zen, it's as convoluted and fractured into various groups as Christianity. All have the basic tenets of Buddhism, but, like Chrisitianity, different sects emphasize and downplay different aspects. Some more much religiously oriented than others, some more secular and practical for every day living. Just as there are Gnostic Christians, there are those who see Zen as a philosophy and strip it of the religious aspects.
Zen, important school of East Asian Buddhism that constitutes the mainstream monastic form of Mahayana Buddhism in China, Korea, and Vietnam and accounts for approximately 20 percent of the Buddhist temples in Japan.
First approaching Zen Buddhism can be daunting. A brief history of its development and some of its distinctive characteristics can ease entry to this ancient and sometimes enigmatic practice.
Ultimately, Zen is about coming face-to-face with yourself in a very direct and intimate way. This is not easy. But if you like a challenge, the journey is worthwhile.