Never piss off a Polish dentist!!

That would have been a perfect sentence if he had just been correct on the spelling of "merely." Honestly, the sentence looked too good to be true, that I actually missed the spelling error when I first responded to it. Yep, that was definitely Top trying to be funny, but his true nature got in the way.

Of course the Dude isn't biased about oil or anything, Hack---- oops I meant Tom.

You are such a tit at times, he is retired now and he lives on the Gulf whereas you live about 1500 miles away. You are so desperate to convince yourself that the Gulf is an environmental disaster that you grasp at any evidence that confirms your preformed opinion.
You are such a tit at times, he is retired now and he lives on the Gulf whereas you live about 1500 miles away. You are so desperate to convince yourself that the Gulf is an environmental disaster that you grasp at any evidence that confirms your preformed opinion.

You seriously are trying to say that the opinion of one stoner who went fishing trumps environmental impact reports?

You seriously are trying to say that the opinion of one stoner who went fishing trumps environmental impact reports?


You are talking about the US where the finest experts can be bought and paid for, the Gulf states haven't squeezed enough baksheesh from BP yet so they need some more ammo. The FDA says the Gulf is safe for fishing but people living thousands of miles away seem to know better.
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You are talking about the US where the finest experts can be bought and paid for, the Gulf states haven't squeezed enough baksheesh from BP yet so they need a some more ammo. The FDA says the Gulf is safe for fishing but people living thousands of miles away seem to know better.

Yeah, I remember under Bush when the EPA said it was totally safe to go back into the homes and offices surrounding the WTC right after 9/11

Lots of those people coughing up blood and on morphine drips now.
It is entirely irrelevant what happens in the UK, the FDA says it safe but there will always be some that will say otherwise.

Photos of fish with sores may raise concern about long-term environmental effects of the massive BP oil spill -- but federal health officials say the Gulf seafood that's on the market is safe to eat.

After all, diseased fish aren't allowed to be sold, said Dr. Robert W. Dickey, who heads the Food and Drug Administration's Gulf Coast Seafood Laboratory.

"It's important to emphasize that we're talking about a low percentage of fish," Dickey stressed. "It doesn't represent a seafood safety hazard."


Awesome. Thanks for the link Tom.
Photos of fish with sores may raise concern about long-term environmental effects of the massive BP oil spill -- but federal health officials say the Gulf seafood that's on the market is safe to eat.

After all, diseased fish aren't allowed to be sold, said Dr. Robert W. Dickey, who heads the Food and Drug Administration's Gulf Coast Seafood Laboratory.

"It's important to emphasize that we're talking about a low percentage of fish," Dickey stressed. "It doesn't represent a seafood safety hazard."


Awesome. Thanks for the link Tom.

Scientific questions are never decided by who is the most emotional, as you've indeed proved here. It is obvious that you didn't even read beyond the first paragraph.

Q: What about oil contamination that's not visible?
A: Federal and state laboratories tested more than 10,000 fish, shrimp and other animals for traces of certain chemicals in oil to be sure they were far below levels that could make anyone sick before commercial fishing ever was allowed to resume. Gulf Coast states are continuing that testing today as a precaution. Some species clear oil contaminants from their bodies more rapidly than others, the reason that fishing resumed before the oyster harvest. The FDA says that someone could eat 9 pounds of fish or 5 pounds of oyster meat a day for five years and still not reach the levels of concern for a key set of chemicals.
What really amazes me is the total stupidity of certain people that choose, for their own motives, to pretend that the Gulf was a pristine paradise before the Deepwater Horizon accident.
Scientific questions are never decided by who is the most emotional, as you've indeed proved here. It is obvious that you didn't even read beyond the first paragraph.

I read it. It boils down to "no danger to the general public nothing to worry about". Which is a joke around here. As I said, one only need go back to the EPA telling everyone it was totally safe to return downtown. It wasn't. It's a joke Tom.
You butthole surfers have strong opinions based on zero first hand evidence. The area has several beaches constantly listed among the top tens.
What really amazes me is the total stupidity of certain people that choose, for their own motives, to pretend that the Gulf was a pristine paradise before the Deepwater Horizon accident.

Now his Dudeness is groaning me?? Does he need to be reminded of Ixtoc 1?
I read it. It boils down to "no danger to the general public nothing to worry about". Which is a joke around here. As I said, one only need go back to the EPA telling everyone it was totally safe to return downtown. It wasn't. It's a joke Tom.

I feel that no amount of evidence to the contrary would satisfy you, maybe you go down to the Gulf and see for yourself?
Go to key west and do a reef snorkeling trip. Indian pass at Saint Vincent Wildlife refuge and kayak with hundreds of dolphins like I did and tell me it's ruined. Or maybe just stay in your cement hell!
You are such a tit at times, he is retired now and he lives on the Gulf whereas you live about 1500 miles away. You are so desperate to convince yourself that the Gulf is an environmental disaster that you grasp at any evidence that confirms your preformed opinion.

He lives off his oil stocks.