New James Bond Film

The legislation had been proposed by President John F. Kennedy in June 1963, but it was opposed by filibuster in the Senate.

Why does that sound familiar? :thinking:


It sounds like something well-intentioned that went too far.
You cannot force people to act decent.
They will just dig in harder and fight it.

You have to make extremes illegal.
And just let the masses slowly grow up and realize what is right and wrong.

It is EXACTLY what is going on with the vaccines.
The minute the left started to say that you 'had' to take them?
That was it...the right dug in their heels and that was that.
You will NEVER get them to do it now.
You could pay them and they still won't do it.

What the Fauci-lovers should have done is NOTHING.
No orders.
No guilt.
No 'you are an idiot if you do not get vaccinated'.
No telling them they cannot take all of their alternatives.
Just let the right see all the seniors/fat middle aged people dropping like flies from Covid whom were not vaccinated.
And the right would figure it out.
And get the vaccines (for the most part).

But as soon as I saw the ENTIRE MSM (outside of FOX) getting onboard that 'it's your duty' to get vaccinated?.
Even in mid-2020?
I believed that was that...the right is going to get vaccinated over their dead bodies.

The fact that the vaccine was the first one based on the new DNA-style version did not help matters.

The left handled the ENTIRE Covid-19 thing HORRIBLY.
And I am a guy that has his shots and does not mind wearing his mask in public.
Though I am totally against the lockdowns and being forced to get vaccines.

* EXTRA RANTING * I am bored.

Like Obamacare.
A great idea (giving healthcare to 30+ million poor Americans).
I was 100% for it then.
And the Reps would never dare vote down a bill that gives broke children, free healthcare.

But...instead of compromising...the left got greedy.
And tried to make it semi-single payer.
Which the right would NEVER have agreed to.
Result - 30+ million Americans STILL have no healthcare coverage.

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Did they get sick after this? :dunno:


Mad Magazine's take was For Your Thighs Only.