New JPP Gifs :p


Half of me says this is satire, because it's so clearly insane.

And the other half of me remembers that this is basically Desh with a hat, and weeps for the state of the world.
Amusing to see that you're still butt hurt over letting your alligator mouth overrun you hummingbird ass, over Zimmerman, Brown, and a host of others.

So sad
Too bad
Sucks to be you

Zimmerman was guilty you flogging idiot.
Just because a racist jury in a racist court in a racist state turned a blind eye to another murdered black man doesn't make him innocent you fucking loser.

I would definitely change the background color in your photo. Too close to your natural palor. Further, if differentiating who is the "man" is so vital in the "friendships" you are seeking perhaps a forehead label
would be advisable.
Other than that, "son", all I can say is good honesty.
It must really take courage.
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Zimmerman was guilty you flogging idiot.
Just because a racist jury in a racist court in a racist state turned a blind eye to another murdered black man doesn't make him innocent you fucking loser.

You just called the Black Jurors racist, you flogging bigot.


And YES he is innocent. :D

Zimmerman was guilty you flogging idiot.
Just because a racist jury in a racist court in a racist state turned a blind eye to another murdered black man doesn't make him innocent you fucking loser.

even if you think zimmerman is an asshole, only someone that hates our justice system would think he is guilty. There simply was no chance he was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, if you were intellectually honest. Have you seen what the prosecution needed to prove for 2nd degree murder? It's off the charts and not a single legal scholar thought he'd be convicted on that.
you cant stand up to me huh chcikenshits

They cannot stand up to your facts evince. Now that they have run Troll off the board, I suspect you will leave next and there will be a circle jerk again.

Easy fix for this board - end the thread bans. Institute a reasonable thread limit a day and stop being a bunch of pussies drunk with the power of being a mod.

Fuck, it is that simple. What the fuck is wrong with this board?
They cannot stand up to your facts evince. Now that they have run Troll off the board, I suspect you will leave next and there will be a circle jerk again.

Easy fix for this board - end the thread bans. Institute a reasonable thread limit a day and stop being a bunch of pussies drunk with the power of being a mod.

Fuck, it is that simple. What the fuck is wrong with this board?

Feel free to find another one.
Zimmerman was guilty you flogging idiot.
Just because a racist jury in a racist court in a racist state turned a blind eye to another murdered black man doesn't make him innocent you fucking loser.

No moron, Zimmerman was quite innocent. Only racist assholes like you fail to see that. You simply hate the brown skinned man.
They cannot stand up to your facts evince. Now that they have run Troll off the board, I suspect you will leave next and there will be a circle jerk again.

Easy fix for this board - end the thread bans. Institute a reasonable thread limit a day and stop being a bunch of pussies drunk with the power of being a mod.

Fuck, it is that simple. What the fuck is wrong with this board?

What is wrong is that idiots like you enable morons like Desh by pretending she has 'facts'. She is one of the most vile people on this board. In the vast majority of her posts she just rambles on with vile language. She posts links to things that she THINKS back her position, but she is incapable of actually discussing the content because she is fucking retarded.
What is hilarious is that nobody knew of the limitation until I asked about Legion dating and numbering his posts. So it would appear nobody else was impacted by the change except Legion. Yet the libtards wring their hands
even if you think zimmerman is an asshole, only someone that hates our justice system would think he is guilty. There simply was no chance he was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, if you were intellectually honest. Have you seen what the prosecution needed to prove for 2nd degree murder? It's off the charts and not a single legal scholar thought he'd be convicted on that.

He stalked and killed a 17 year old boy with malice afore thought.
That's murder one.
He is guilty of murder regardless of the verdict.
He stalked and killed a 17 year old boy with malice afore thought.
That's murder one.
He is guilty of murder regardless of the verdict.

Following someone is not stalking.
You are full of shit to proclaim that he had 'malice afore thought'
He was ATTACKED by Martin. Martin could have easily gone home. He didn't. He CHOSE to ATTACK Zimmerman.
He is not guilty... you are simply a racist piece of shit who hates brown people.
He stalked and killed a 17 year old boy with malice afore thought.
That's murder one.
He is guilty of murder regardless of the verdict.

Zimmerman stalked no one
It was self defense
Your hate makes you appear to be even more pathetic.

Confine yourself to the cube of shame.
