New JPP Gifs :p

Can you make this one of the new GIFs and use :desh: for the code??

Following someone is not stalking.
You are full of shit to proclaim that he had 'malice afore thought'
He was ATTACKED by Martin. Martin could have easily gone home. He didn't. He CHOSE to ATTACK Zimmerman.
He is not guilty... you are simply a racist piece of shit who hates brown people.

Bullshit you lying idiot.
1. I am half hispanic.
2. His own words the police prove his malice aforethought.
"He's not getting away with it this time" or to that effect.

We had an ear witness who testified.

yes we did.

she heard Trayvon be hit in the chest.

see she was on the phone with him.

he told her some creepy assed cracker was following him around.

then she heard him be hit in the chest.

you know the sound of the impact and the involuntary breath expelled from his mouth by the chest thumping.

But she was also black.

so she didn't count huh you racist fucking evil shithead
Bullshit you lying idiot.
1. I am half hispanic.
2. His own words the police prove his malice aforethought.
"He's not getting away with it this time" or to that effect.

Once again, following is not stalking.

Now your 1/2 Hispanic!!
Next thing you'll be claiming is that your 1/2 Black, 1/2 Caucasian / 1/2 gook Asian. :palm:
yes we did.

she heard Trayvon be hit in the chest.

see she was on the phone with him.

he told her some creepy assed cracker was following him around.

then she heard him be hit in the chest.

you know the sound of the impact and the involuntary breath expelled from his mouth by the chest thumping.

But she was also black.

so she didn't count huh you racist fucking evil shithead

She fucking heard someone being hit in the fucking chest, unless you're fucking saying that fucking Trayvon's fucking chest sounded fucking different.

How the fuck does she fucking know that the fucking sound she fucking heard, wasn't Zimmerman's breath being expelled from when Trayvon fucking assaulted him?

Are you fucking suggesting that because she was fucking Black means that she's to be fucking believed more then the rest of the fucking witnesses, some of who were fucking Black?

Why aren't the rest of the fucking witnesses to be believed, you fucking ignorant, fucking insane, fucking twat licking, fucking racist?


Using the fucking phrase "...cracker..." would fucking make it fucking appear that Trayvon was the fucking racist.
The one good thing about the Zimmermann nonsense on this site is that Grind caused Dungheap to spaz and run away. I went looking for his exit thread, and realized that it no longer exists, and that his account is no longer cancelled, but languishing under the name Bonestorm. :cof1:
The one good thing about the Zimmermann nonsense on this site is that Grind caused Dungheap to spaz and run away. I went looking for his exit thread, and realized that it no longer exists, and that his account is no longer cancelled, but languishing under the name Bonestorm. :cof1:

nope that was brown

I posted a chart showing how brown wasn't shot in the back. It literally broke dung. Now historical revisionists like to pretend they all knew about it all along. But I was the first one there. I was fucking right and so many people ended up looking like idiots. But most people on this site can never man up or woman up and admit they were duped by the sensationalist media. So it's back to bullshit of... bb-b-b-but racism
nope that was brown

I posted a chart showing how brown wasn't shot in the back. It literally broke dung. Now historical revisionists like to pretend they all knew about it all along. But I was the first one there. I was fucking right and so many people ended up looking like idiots. But most people on this site can never man up or woman up and admit they were duped by the sensationalist media. So it's back to bullshit of... bb-b-b-but racism

lets see the chart
this fucking retard goes off the handle in a simple gif thread. what the fuck man

It's like that South Park episode on Kanye West where he thought the gay fishstick joke was about him. In Desh's world everything on this board is about her.
dear assholes

you will have to discuss your racism right up until you die or give u[p being fucking racists.

you will never be able to control the people who hate the racism you fucking love

eat shit