New Kinds of Stupid


Shaken, not stirred!
One of the oldest anti-semitic tropes in America is that "The Jews control Hollywood/media/government". American Jews have been fighting this forever, yet our AIPAC controlled Congress (and zionist friendly President) seem to hand the bigots a gold card with this action:

House Passes Bill That Defines Criticism of Israel as “Antisemitism”​

But if that doesn't boggle your mind, here's another one: A man and his companion moved to a town in Suffolk County, New York. He's 67 and with cancer, so he uses prescribed medical marijuana. He's also a registered gun owner. County law prohibits gun ownership by folk using illegal substances (of which marijuana still is on the federal register). Marijuana for recreational or medical use is legal in the state. So to avoid the conflict, the county gave the guy an option; give up the marijuana or the gun.

The guy chose to give up his medical marijuana for his cancer in favor of keeping his pistol! Suffolk County (Long Island) NY is NOT a high crime area! You can't make this stuff up! file:///C:/Users/darri/Downloads/MarijuanaUsersHampered.pdf
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One of the oldest anti-semitic tropes in America is that "The Jews control Hollywood/media/government". American Jews have been fighting this forever, yet our AIPAC controlled Congress (and zionist friendly President) seem to hand the bigots a gold card with this action:

House Passes Bill That Defines Criticism of Israel as “Antisemitism”​

But if that doesn't boggle your mind, here's another one: A man and his companion moved to a town in Suffolk County, New York. He's 67 and with cancer, so he uses prescribed medical marijuana. He's also a registered gun owner. County law prohibits gun ownership by folk using illegal substances (of which marijuana still is on the federal register). Marijuana for recreational or medical use is legal in the state. So to avoid the conflict, the county gave the guy an option; give up the marijuana or the gun.

The guy chose to give up his medical marijuana for his cancer in favor of keeping his pistol! Suffolk County (Long Island) NY is NOT a high crime area! You can't make this stuff up! file:///C:/Users/darri/Downloads/MarijuanaUsersHampered.pdf
So? Criticizing that turd fauci was considered "anti science" even though we now know all that shit was made up. If it's not anti semitism to criticize Israel then it's not transphobic to criticize trans people. Glade we have that cleared up.
So? Criticizing that turd fauci was considered "anti science" even though we now know all that shit was made up. If it's not anti semitism to criticize Israel then it's not transphobic to criticize trans people. Glade we have that cleared up.
It was recommended precaution against a new disease based on precautions known to have worked in similar diseases. That it saved thousands of lives resulted in self defensive denialsim among the politically duped, like this one.
One of the oldest anti-semitic tropes in America is that "The Jews control Hollywood/media/government". American Jews have been fighting this forever, yet our AIPAC controlled Congress (and zionist friendly President) seem to hand the bigots a gold card with this action:

House Passes Bill That Defines Criticism of Israel as “Antisemitism”​

But if that doesn't boggle your mind, here's another one: A man and his companion moved to a town in Suffolk County, New York. He's 67 and with cancer, so he uses prescribed medical marijuana. He's also a registered gun owner. County law prohibits gun ownership by folk using illegal substances (of which marijuana still is on the federal register). Marijuana for recreational or medical use is legal in the state. So to avoid the conflict, the county gave the guy an option; give up the marijuana or the gun.

The guy chose to give up his medical marijuana for his cancer in favor of keeping his pistol! Suffolk County (Long Island) NY is NOT a high crime area! You can't make this stuff up! file:///C:/Users/darri/Downloads/MarijuanaUsersHampered.pdf
It was recommended precaution against a new disease based on precautions known to have worked in similar diseases. That it saved thousands of lives resulted in self defensive denialsim among the politically duped, like this one.
No it was not a "precaution". You arent going to retrofit that bullshit onto this. That little turd said attacks on him were attacks on "science". There was no fucking science you dimwitted shithead.
No it was not a "precaution". You arent going to retrofit that bullshit onto this. That little turd said attacks on him were attacks on "science". There was no fucking science you dimwitted shithead.
Who is in the idiot cabal that hates Dr Fauci on putins orders?
So? Criticizing that turd fauci was considered "anti science" even though we now know all that shit was made up. If it's not anti semitism to criticize Israel then it's not transphobic to criticize trans people. Glade we have that cleared up.
Link to your claims shit box?

And no

Putins orders don’t count as facts in the real world
No it was not a "precaution". You arent going to retrofit that bullshit onto this. That little turd said attacks on him were attacks on "science". There was no fucking science youdimwitted shithead.

Fauci's intelligent advice is now a target for aggressive cowardice, i.e., the cowardice all too familiar on the Right where election results can't be faced up to and rejection of medical advice that resulted in thousands of deaths likewise can't be faced up to.
Fauci's intelligent advice is now a target for aggressive cowardice, i.e., the cowardice all too familiar on the Right where election results can't be faced up to and rejection of medical advice that resulted in thousands of deaths likewise can't be faced up to.
"Advice"? "Precaution"? the little retard said it was science. Stfu
"Advice"? "Precaution"? the little retard said it was science. Stfu
Correct, advice based on medical science, in this case the germ science of how diseases are transmitted. The answer you keep echoing is just a word play evasion but having the mind of a chicken you keep repeating it as if you were making a point.
Correct, advice based on medical science, in this case the germ science of how diseases are transmitted. The answer you keep echoing is just a word play evasion but having the mind of a chicken you keep repeating it as if you were making a point.
There was no science. The turd said so himself. Stop it.
One of the oldest anti-semitic tropes in America is that "The Jews control Hollywood/media/government". American Jews have been fighting this forever, yet our AIPAC controlled Congress (and zionist friendly President) seem to hand the bigots a gold card with this action:

House Passes Bill That Defines Criticism of Israel as “Antisemitism”​

But if that doesn't boggle your mind, here's another one: A man and his companion moved to a town in Suffolk County, New York. He's 67 and with cancer, so he uses prescribed medical marijuana. He's also a registered gun owner. County law prohibits gun ownership by folk using illegal substances (of which marijuana still is on the federal register). Marijuana for recreational or medical use is legal in the state. So to avoid the conflict, the county gave the guy an option; give up the marijuana or the gun.

The guy chose to give up his medical marijuana for his cancer in favor of keeping his pistol! Suffolk County (Long Island) NY is NOT a high crime area! You can't make this stuff up! file:///C:/Users/darri/Downloads/MarijuanaUsersHampered.pdf
Good choice. There are better alternatives for medication to ease pain than marijuana. Aside from that, smoked, weight for weight, marijuana is about three times as carcinogenic as tobacco.
Dr turd fauci had no science you dimwitted donkey humper. I bet you do need a urologist to we tell you when to piss. You're a buffoon.
Then why is the world now safer from Covid because we have a vaccine

The WHOLE WORLD is using it to save lives

You are only concerned with saving LIES